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为进一步严格大中型客货车驾驶人管理,改进驾驶人考试制度,提高社会管理和服务群众水平,公安部修订发布了《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》(公安部令第123号,以下简称“123号令”)。123号令中关于校车驾驶人管理的内容自发布之日起施行,123号令中的其他规定将于2013年1月1日起正式施行。本期特将123号令中涉及新增和修改的内容进行对照,以便于大家更好地理解和掌握。 In order to further strictly manage the management of large and medium passenger and freight vehicles, improve the examination system of motorists and improve the level of social management and service for the masses, the Ministry of Public Security revises and promulgates the Provisions on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Drivers’ License (Order No. 123 of the Ministry of Public Security Referred to as “123 orders ”). Decree 123 on the school bus driver management content from the date of promulgation, the other provisions of Decree 123 will be January 1, 2013 come into effect. In this issue, special reference will be made to the new and amended contents of Order 123 for better understanding and mastery.
[选文] [甲]他(闰土)身材增加了一倍;先前的紫色的圆脸,已经变作灰黄,而且加上了很深的皱纹;眼睛也像他父亲一样,周围都肿得通红,这我知道,在海边种地的人,终日吹着海风,大
现在进行时,顾名思义,表示说话时正在进行的动作或情况,或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作.如: When it is now proceeding, as the name implies, it indicates the actions o
例1 将“220V 1000W”的电炉改造后,接在110伏的电源上,要使之消耗的功率仍是1000瓦,下列方法中可行的是( ). Example 1 After the “220V 1000W” electric furnace was m
The weather was bad that day.It was___heavily and it was dangerous to go on theicy(冰的)roads.Mr Smith was ___.Fewpeople would go out in such a cold day and th
结论如图1,已知D为△ABC边BC上的任一点,O为AD上一点,连结BO、CO.设△BOD、△DOC、△AOC、△AOB的面积分别为S_1、S_2、S_3、S_4.则S_1·S_3=S_2·S_4. 证分别过B、C两点作A