
来源 :儿童音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaonvshashou
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“全国少儿歌曲创作比赛”是文化部、教育部、财政部、国家广电总局、共青团中央、中国文联和北京市人民政府共同发起的“中国少儿歌曲创作推广计划系列活动”重要项目之一。由中国音乐家协会牵头主办的“全国少儿歌曲创作比赛”,从发出征集启事到截稿历时半年,其间共收到应征参赛作品7340件。与此同时,中国音协还邀请部分著名词曲作家进行委约创作。所有作品经过专家从初评、复评到终评的认真评审,共评选出获提名奖歌曲88首。这些歌曲将于近期录制出版,向全国广泛推荐和听取反馈意见,并将作为“全国少儿歌曲演唱大赛”的必唱自选歌曲,由中央电视台进行直播推广。届时,主办单位将依照听众和专家意见各占50%的比例,最后评出获奖歌曲。 The National Children’s Song Creation Contest is one of the important projects sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Communist Youth League Central Committee, China Federation of Literature and Beijing Municipal People’s Government. The National Children’s Song Creation Competition, led by the China Musicians Association, took a total of 7,340 entries during the half-year period between the issuance of the solicitation and the submission. At the same time, the China Music Association also invited some of the famous songwriter for commissioning. All works through the experts from the initial review, re-assessment of the final assessment of the serious assessment, a total of 88 nominations were selected song song. These songs will be recorded and published in the near future. They will be widely recommended and listened to by the whole country and will be broadcast live by CCTV as a compulsory song for the “National Children’s Song Contest”. By then, the organizers will follow the views of the audience and experts each account for 50% of the proportion of the final award-winning songs.
我院是由香港爱国同胞洪逸挥先生无偿捐资与汕尾市城区政府共同出资兴建的一所综合性全民所有制医院。 1997年 3月正式开业 ,首期开放病床 180张 ,现有员工 2 10名 ,其中技术
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对江西省 3县 72所乡镇卫生院 45 6名医生进行书面考试 ,测试了基础医学知识、临床防保知识、专业知识 3部分。测试成绩优良率达 45 4% ,不及格为 16 9%。比较分析了不同性
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