Passive control of along-wind response of tall building

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yt58458665
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Most of modern tall buildings using lighter construction materials with high strength and less stiffness are more flexible, which occurs excessive wind-induced vibration, resulting in occupant discomfort and structural unsafety. It is necessary to predict wind-induced vibration response and find out a method to mitigate such an excessive wind-induced vibration at the preliminary design stage. Recently, many studies have been conducted in using actuator control force based on the linear quadratic optimum control algorithm. It was accepted as a common knowledge that the performance of passive tuned mass damper(TMD) could increase by incorporating a feedback active control force in the design of TMD, which is called active tuned mass damper(ATMD). However, the fact that ATMD is superior to TMD to reduce wind-induced vibration of a tall building is still a question. The effectiveness of TMD for mitigating the along-wind vibration of a tall building was investigated. Optimum parameters of tuning frequency and damping ratio for TMD under a random load which has a white noise spectra were used. Fluctuating along-wind load acting on a tall building treated as a stationary Gaussian random process was simulated numerically using the along-wind load spectra. And using this simulated along-wind load, along-wind responses of a tall building with and without TMD were calculated and the effectiveness of TMD in mitigating the along-wind response of a tall building was found out. Most of modern tall buildings using lighter construction materials with high strength and less stiffness are more flexible, which causes excessive wind-induced vibration, resulting in occupant discomfort and structural unsafety. It is necessary to predict wind-induced vibration response and find out a method to mitigate such an excessive wind-induced vibration at the preliminary design stage. Recently, many studies have been conducted in using actuator control force based on the linear quadratic optimum control algorithm. It was accepted as a common knowledge that the performance of passive tuned mass damper (TMD) could increase by incorporating a feedback active control force in the design of TMD, which is called active tuned mass damper (ATMD). However, the fact that ATMD is superior to TMD to reduce wind-induced vibration of a tall building is still a question. The effectiveness of TMD for mitigating the along-wind vibration of a tall building was investigated. Optimum parameters of t uning frequency and damping ratio for TMD under a random load which has a white noise spectra were used. Fluctuating along-wind load acting on a tall building treated as a stationary Gaussian random process was simulated numerically using the along-wind load spectra. And using this simulated along-wind load, along-wind responses of a tall building with and without TMD were calculated and the effectiveness of TMD in mitigating the along-wind response of a tall building was found out.
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