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教育教学质量一直是学校的生命线。而这条生命线在高等中学显得尤为重要。高中生物课改全面铺开以来,不管是教育行政机关还是学校领导、一线教师,对课堂教学效率关注的是最多的。为此,作为一线高中生物教师,笔者也在自己的实际工作中不断地探索与研究着。结合自己的工作实际笔者认为要提高高中生物课堂教学效率、构建高效课堂,必须讲究策略与方法。 The quality of education and teaching has always been the lifeline of the school. This lifeline in high school is even more important. Since the high school biology curricula reform has been carried out in an all-round way, front-line teachers, regardless of whether they are educational administrative organs or school leaders, are most concerned about classroom teaching efficiency. To this end, as a front-line biology teacher, I also continue to explore and study in their own practical work. In light of the actual work of my own, I think we must pay attention to strategies and methods in order to improve the teaching efficiency of high school biology classrooms and construct an efficient classroom.
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