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瑞士著名心理学家皮亚杰说:“所有智力方面的工作都要依赖于兴趣。”达尔文说:“就我记得在学校里的情形来说,其中对我发生影响的,就是我强烈而多样的兴趣,沉溺于自己感兴趣的东西之中,非常喜欢了解任何复杂的问题和事物。”幼儿的探究活动同科学家的研究在某些层面是一样的:要有兴趣,要沉醉于其中。在兴趣中发现、感知、探究和体验,不断地获得学习的乐趣和成功的快乐,从而产生新的兴趣,又开展新的 Piaget, a famous psychologist in Switzerland, said: “All intellectual work depends on the interest.” Darwin said: “Of the things I remember in school, one of the things that influenced me was that I was strong and varied Interest in, addicted to what interests you, very much like to understand any complex problems and things. ”Young children’s inquiry activities and scientists at some level is the same: to be interested, to indulge in them. Discover, perceive, explore, and experience in the interest, continue to gain the pleasure of learning and the joy of success, resulting in new interests and new
The discrete material,which belongs to the category of soft materials,is one of the most prevalent forms of matter in nature and engineering fields.These materi
许多同学在英语学习的过程中,对英语的理解往往满足于英语语言的字面意思,甚至以为每句话都听懂、看懂了,就是真懂了。其实,未必如此。 Many students in English learning
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
The manufacture,physical characterization,environmental applications and cytotoxicity properties of nanocomposites consisting of CuO/CeO2 nano-rare earth compos
摘要 美术教学不管教师怎么评价,赞扬也好,提醒也罢,学生的学习兴趣总是不能被有效激发。老师们在教学过程中,应该多反思教学评价行为,让自己的评价走出误区。  关键词 反思 评价 走出    评价作为一个有效激发学生学习积极性、对提高教学效度起着重要作用的手段,在美术教学中越来越被老师重视。因此,教师总是从评价的各个层面对学生进行积极评价。但是反思我们的美术教学,不管教师怎么评价,赞扬也好,提醒也罢,