
来源 :华东石油学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xfzou32
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东濮凹陷下第三系沙河街组富含石膏及岩盐,为典型的盐湖相沉积,其有机碳、氯仿沥青A及总烃含量分别为0.74%、0.11%及800ppm,与渤海湾其它盆地比较都较低。这是由于该凹陷干酪根属混合型,埋藏较深、成熟度较高、排烃较完全之故。因此东濮凹陷下第三系有机碳等含量较低并不说明有机质丰度低,而恰恰证明其生油条件优越。 东濮凹陷不同地段因地质发育史不同,成油起始温度或埋藏深度都不一致,这是因为同一生油层在不同地区其有机质所经受的热变质均不一样,因而采用洛巴丁时-温指数来研究有机质成熟度是更为合理的。盐湖相沉积不但可富含有机质,而且天然气形成时间较晚,加上膏盐层渗透性极小,可作为良好盖层,防止气体逸散,这就是造成东濮凹陷天然气特别富集的原因。 The Tertiary Shahejie Formation in the Dongpu Depression is rich in gypsum and rock salt, and is a typical salt lake facies with organic carbon, chloroform bitumen A and total hydrocarbon content of 0.74%, 0.11% and 800 ppm, respectively, compared with other basins in the Bohai Bay Are lower. This is due to the depression kerogen mixed type, buried deeper, higher maturity, the more completely hydrocarbon row. Therefore, the lower Tertiary organic carbon content in Dongpu Depression does not mean that the abundance of organic matter is low, but it proves that the oil production conditions are superior. Due to the different geological development history in different sections of Dongpu Depression, the initial oil formation temperature or burial depth are inconsistent. The reason is that the organic matter in the same oil layer undergoes different thermal metamorphism in different regions. Therefore, Index to study the maturity of organic matter is more reasonable. Salt Lake facies deposition not only rich in organic matter, and natural gas formation time later, coupled with the gypsum salt permeability is minimal, can be used as a good cover to prevent the gas from escaping, which is caused by Dongpu Depression natural gas enrichment reasons.
不同的语言与文化都有自己的个性和差异,这些独特的个性和差异构成了翻译实践中的制约因素.本文简要地讨论了制约因素对英汉翻译产生消极作用的几种情况. Different languages
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