Single event upset induced multi-block error and its mitigation strategy for SRAM-based FPGA

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PDH
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According to the SRAM-based FPGA’s single event effect problem in space application,single event upset induced multi-block error(SEU-MBE) phenomenon and its mitigation strategy are studied in the paper.After analyzing the place and route result,the paper points out that the essence of SEU-MBE is that some important modules exceed the safe internal distance.Two approaches,area constraint method(ACM) and incremental route algorithm(IRA),are proposed,which can reduce the error rate by manipulating programmable switch matrix and interconnection points within FPGA route resource.Fault injection experiments indicate that error detection rate is above 98.6% for both strategies,and FPGA resources increment and performance penalty are around 10%. According to the SRAM-based FPGA’s single event effect problem in space application, single event upset induced multi-block error (SEU-MBE) phenomenon and its mitigation strategy are studied in the paper .After analyzing the place and route result, the paper points out that the essence of SEU-MBE is that some important modules exceed the safe internal distance.Two approaches, area constraint method (ACM) and incremental route algorithm (IRA), are proposed, which can reduce the error rate by manipulating programmable switch matrix and interconnection points within FPGA route resource. Fault injection experiments indicate that error detection rate is above 98.6% for both strategies, and FPGA resources increment and performance penalty are around 10%.
一、英译汉中正确确定词义的三原则1.根据词性确定词义。英语有些词在用作不同词性时有不同意义。现以right为例进行讨论:(1)Your account of what happened is not right.你
p2 7和 p1 6于 1 994年被克隆成功。属于细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶抑制剂的两个不同家族。经研究证明二者都是抑癌基因。均通过结合并抑制细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶 ,从而抑制细胞从G1
直肠中下段直肠癌保肛手术始终存在争议 ,其核心为切除是否彻底、干净 ,其次是肛门功能是否受影响。本文分析我院 1995— 1999年 11例改良Parks手术治疗中下段直肠癌病例 ,观察 3~
美国电影是一种表现力丰富的艺术形式,它代表着美国的主流价值观,它是一种自足的文化形式,反映了美国的社会秩序与民主文化、美国人的国民性格与生活方式。 American film i
剧情简介  国内擅长催眠疗法的知名心理治疗师徐瑞宁(徐峥饰)正值事业风生水起,由他治疗过的病人全都痊愈出院,这也使得徐瑞宁信心倍增,甚至骄傲自大。就连自己的学生在课堂上对他理论的质疑,都毫不收敛的反击回去,这一切都被徐瑞宁的大学老师方教授看在眼里。  在徐瑞宁一次讲课后,方教教授因其学生的请求,让徐瑞宁诊断一位特殊的病人任小妍(莫文蔚 饰),但方教授嘱咐徐瑞宁,称这位病人十分怪异,她看过的心理医师