《失业保险条例》规定:城镇企业事业单位成建制跨统筹地区转移,失业人员跨统筹地区流动的,失业保险关系随之转迁。 一、企事业单位失业保险关系的转迁 首先要明确企业事业单位应当在哪里建立失业保险关系。失业保险实行属地管辖原则。对用人单位来讲,就是参加单位所在地的失业保险统筹。所指的
The Unemployment Insurance Regulations stipulate that when the enterprises and institutions in cities and towns and cities run into cities across the country and the unemployed move across the regions, the unemployment insurance relationship will be followed. First, the relocation of unemployment insurance relationships between enterprises and institutions must first clear that enterprises and institutions should establish unemployment insurance relationship. Unemployment insurance is governed by the principle of territoriality. In terms of employers, is to participate in the unit where the unemployment insurance co-ordination. Referred to