
来源 :职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Michael_Wong
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本文对石人嶂钨矿1956~1988年确诊1017例矽肺发病情况进行了分析。结果发现,尘肺患者均系1958年前入矿开始接尘的工人,发病年龄轻(39.9岁),凿岩工最多(79.25%),接尘工龄较短(11.06年),肺结核并发率高(53.7%),死亡较工伤死亡高7.93倍。为了减少矽尘危害,作者强调搞好通风防尘工作外,对井下凿岩工、支柱工进行工种轮换制度是切实可行的。 In this paper, Shirenguang tungsten ore from 1956 to 1988 diagnosed 1017 cases of silicosis were analyzed. The results showed that all patients with pneumoconiosis were those who began to dust in the mine before 1958, with a mild onset (39.9 years old), the highest number of drilling workers (79.25%), the shortest service life of dust (11.06 years) and the high incidence of tuberculosis 53.7%), 7.93 times more deaths than work-related injuries. In order to reduce the harm of silica dust, the author emphasizes that ventilation and dust prevention should be properly carried out. It is practicable to carry out the system of job rotation for downhole rock drillers and pillar workers.
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