Save or saved by music

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  Les Choristes is a French musical movie. Before watching, I thought it would be very dull. But after watching the film, I was deeply moved by all that Monsieau, an assistant teacher had done for the so-called problem students.
  It is a story about love. On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clément Mathieu arrives in Bottom of the Well, a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys, to work as an inspector. The place is administrated with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin, and most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults. Clément decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time, and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre Morhange, the son of a beautiful single mother for whom he feels a crush. He also has a special feeling for the young Pépinot, a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war. With his methods, Clément changes not only the lives of the boys, but also of the other employees and his own.
  Unlike the president, punishing students once they had little mistakes and regarding violence as the only way to solve problems, Clément gave chances to those who had made mistakes and helped them to mend their ways. From the previous teachers, Clément began to know Morhange, the boy who has angle face but devil heart, was raised by a beautiful single mother. And through the chorus, Clément stimulated almost everyone's potential, especially Morhange's. Thus, having had several talks with his mother, Morhange transferred to a famous academy of music and achieved himself to be a conductor eventually.
  But the most impressive scene was that Clément removed Morhange's tenor part for Morhange had poured a bottle of ink on Clément's head in public. However, when the chorus was on a significant show for the sponsors, under the hand signal of Clément, the beautiful treble turned up again. Just at that moment, Morhange was the center of the whole hall, becoming delightful and hopeful from a lonely and helpless. It was then that Morhange began to realize that Clément leaving him alone was not out of personal spite but in the hope that he would learn to be grateful and cherish what he had had.
  Since Les Choristes had been on, it received rave reviews and won a great number of audiences, a majority of who thought that it was the creative concept of paper planes that attracted audiences' attention. But to my ways of thinking, this film achieved such a big success not so much for the vivid plot or the polished performance as what it had emerged from a more profound level. Except for emotional aspect, I learned that since students would have their own merits and demerits, the real issue is how to tap their potentials and then how to educate, especially as an educator. Of course, there has to be innovations and enthusiasm in the process of education. More importantly, education is not a pile of project of survival of the fittest, it should be guided by the essence of life’s great love.
  Every heart needs love, needs tolerant and understanding. Every child comes from pure place should be the very love treasure. In the face of these children, the more I believe is Where there is wise man, there is the swift horse. The reason why Clément is good is not his occupation of the ordinary or his natural benevolence, but because he is the wise man who can hear the voices of the swift horse and respect them.
【摘要】:自媒体语境下,我国公众的传播素养水平偏低,而公众的传播素养越来越重要,分析公众的传播素养缺失的综合因素才能提出对策,有效地解决公众传播素养缺失的问题,这对自媒体语境的发展有着重要的意义。  【关键词】:自媒体语境;传播素养;影响因素  一、教育因素  (一)国民素质基本教育不够完善  国民素质基本教育影响着公众的知识(包含传播知识)水平和道德品质。国民素质的基本教育包含着基础知识教育和道
【摘要】:根据媒介营销的三次售卖理论,广播要想抓住受众、广告主,就需要在受众市场、广告市场和自身的品牌推广方面做出努力,而媒介融合为这些方面的发展提供了很好的契机。本文首先论述了广播产业媒介融合的必要性,接着从广播节目的创新、广播广告市场的开发和广播媒体自身的推广方面出发,运用实例阐述了广播应该加强与其他媒体的合作与融合,从而能更好地进行广播媒介营销。  【关键词】:媒介融合;广播;媒介营销;节目
【摘要】:网络媒体在传播便利的同时,由于其本身较为松散的信息把控能力以及较为自由的交流平台常常产生错误的言论从而产生错误的舆论导向影响人们的价值观,不利于社会的健康发展。本文主要通过网络媒体(以网易新闻为例)不当新闻,不当新闻及评论呈现的原因,网络媒体引导正确舆论导向的方法等四部分探究网络媒体生态下舆论的正确引导方式。  【关键词】:网络媒体;信息;评论;舆论引导  一.网络媒体不当新闻——以网易
【摘要】:现今提到戏曲大多是质疑的态度,沉迷于戏曲中的人越来越少,于是戏曲人在反思之后开始了戏曲创新的的道路。他们学习的对象同百年前一样,是看起来类似但大受观众喜爱的外国文化——话剧。然而在实施的过程中摩擦是不可避免的。  【关键词】:话剧;京剧;演员训练  五四运动后,中国的现代话剧兴起,当时的话剧亦称“爱美剧”、“白话剧”等,1928年则由戏剧家洪深提议定名“话剧”。然同时中国传统戏曲开始受到
地点:新农村建设某村,一农户家。  人物:田辉,男,52岁(丈夫以下简称辉)。  小芹,女,47岁(妻子以下简称芹)。  县长秘书,女,38岁(县长秘书简称小吴)  [一床一椅,椅背上一套西装。 辉憨睡床上,呼噜声响]  芹:(边上边说)看咧,看咧,这老东西,睡得可真香。(转身对观众)唉,这也难怪,一辈子跟猪牛圈、臭水沟打交道,昨日搬新家,……  快起来,起来!(辉翻身,继续大睡,妻猛地一拧夫屁股
【摘要】:自媒体坏境下,一旦某个群众熟知的商品有任何越轨的异动,都会引来全民参与,且网民能迅速成立舆论阵营,媒体公关反应时间短暂。这样一个集万千目光于一身的时刻,机遇还是挑战,只在一举。本文通过介绍自媒体时代下媒体环境、企业危机所面临的变化、自媒体环境对企业危机公关的影响,来解释危机公关在媒介管理中的功能重要性。  【关键词】:自媒体环境;企业危机;媒体公关;媒介管理  一 、自媒体环境下企业危机
【摘要】:纸媒不会消亡,但前提是改变。无论是传播方式、载体、还是内容,都亟待改变。纸媒的核心以及利器,是文字;而人们对文字艺术的文学性却不够重视,不认为文字报道的文学性有多重要,甚至不认为文字报道有多重要。这也导致了如今的新闻报道水平宁人堪忧。  【关键词】:纸媒;报道;文字;文学性  重视报道本质,重视文字,是纸媒发展或消亡的内因的本质。新闻人更应该关注,文字的美学,从文学中汲取养分,来提高文字
【摘要】:本文选取中韩两国描述残疾人形象的《洗澡》和《绿洲》两部影片作为分析对象。从影像语言上解读两部影片在揭露现实、回顾传统、展现伦理情感上的异同和两位导演如何借残疾人形象,瞄准人们的复杂情感,传达他们的人文主义关怀精神:张扬用二明身体的残障作为自己人物的一个基调,刻画传统温情所具有的的纯洁性和包容力;李沧东通过表现残疾人内心世界的美好和在现实中不公平的遭遇,来警醒人们关注现实和消除偏见。  【
【摘要】:2005-2015年是我国电影产业蓬勃发展的十年,不仅佳片频出,电影消费市场也日趋成熟和稳定。与此同时,当代军事题材的电影却逐渐的边缘化,市场反应惨淡。本文拟就从当代军事题材电影的现状入手,探析军事题材电影遭遇困境的原因,探讨其未来的发展出路。  【关键词】:军事电影;困境;出路  一、过去十年国产电影的发展现状  2005至2015年是我国国产电影由发展到壮大的十年,每一年,国产电影都