
来源 :企业经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfhtang
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企业的思想政治工作是一项复杂的系统工程,企业领导和思想政治工作者必须具有辩证的思维和坚持辩证的思维方法,才能使思想政治工作做得得心应手,取得事半功倍的效果。1、坚持尊重人、理解人,关心人的原则,但反对庸俗的“感情投资”。尊重人,理解人、关心人的原则同毛泽东提倡的相信群众、依靠群众,关心群众生活,注意解决群众的实际困难的出发点,落脚点是一致的,是社会主义新型人际关系的一个重要表现,也是建设社会主义新型人际关系的一个基本方法。思想政治工作应不遗余力地贯彻这个原则。在实践中,有的同志片面地把这个原则理解为“感情投资”,并予以庸俗化,如:摈弃原则,放松管理,取消批评,以所谓的“义”和“利”来协 The ideological and political work in a company is a complex systematic project. The enterprise leaders and ideological and political workers must have dialectical thinking and persisting in their dialectical thinking so that ideological and political work can be done with ease and with a multiplier effect. 1, adhere to the principle of respecting people, understanding people and caring about people, but against vulgar “emotional investment.” The principle of respecting, understanding and caring for people is the same as the starting point and the foothold of Mao Zedong’s advocacy of believing in the masses, relying on the masses, caring about the life of the masses and paying attention to solving the real difficulties of the masses, and is an important manifestation of the new social relations of the mankind. It is also a basic method of building a new type of social relationship with others. Ideological and political work should spare no efforts in implementing this principle. In practice, some comrades unilaterally interpret this principle as “emotional investment” and vulgarize them. For example, they abandon the principle, relax the administration, and dismiss the criticism. They use the so-called “righteousness” and “benefit”
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成都,祖国的这座古都,自从战国前期古蜀国开明王朝在这里建都以来,历史航船已经扬帆疾驶二千四百多个年头了。 成都座落在沃野千里的天府之国的中部,历来是四川地区的政治经
据1991年第四期《Computer Control Quartorry》转载自1991年4月29日《Com-puting》的消息报导,Novell、Lotus DevElopment和DEC等三家公司(也是RSA产品用户)已允诺赞同硅谷