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焦作矿务局中央医院是一所建院40余年,设置床位710张的煤矿企业职工医院。近年随着市场经济的建立和面向社会全方位的开放搞活,提出了“院有重点、科有特色、人有专长”的“科技兴院、科研兴科”新战略。运作过程中,我们深深感触到企业医院与社会医院有诸多不同与踟躇之处,首先医院的兴衰与本企业发展的快慢速度有千丝万缕的关联,远非社会医院有政府部门政策扶持,行政拔款那般从容。近年煤炭企业由于众所周知的原因,国家取消了计划经济时代的补贴与政策倾斜,靠吃大锅饭大手大脚惯了的企业遇上自负盈亏这一难题,似挨了当头一棒,一下子懵头转向,自身难保,何况属于从属地位的职工医院了。医院为了“找米下锅”不得不重清家底,量入为出了。依据科技就是第一生产力这一永恒话题,以科研促发展走出低俗就摆上了院领导班子的议事日程。通过丝丝入扣条分缕析发现,企业职工医院欲搞好科研有诸多“特”字号难点。鉴于全国有30%以上的医院属企业性质,这些难点具有一定代表性与示范性,特将之总结如下,以飨尚 The Jiaozuo Mining Bureau’s Central Hospital is a coal mining enterprise worker hospital with more than 40 years of hospital establishment and 710 beds. In recent years, with the establishment of a market economy and openness to the society in an all-round way, the new strategy of “Science and Technology Institutes, Scientific Research and Development” has been proposed. During the operation process, we deeply felt that there are many differences between enterprise hospitals and social hospitals. First of all, the rise and fall of hospitals is inextricably linked with the speed of the development of the company. It is far from social hospitals having government support policies. , administrative withdrawal is so calm. In recent years, due to well-known reasons, the coal industry has cancelled the subsidies and policy inclinations in the era of planned economy. Enterprises that used to eat large pots of rice have encountered the problem of self-financed profits and losses. It seems that they have made a headshot and suddenly turned their heads. Not to mention the subordinate status of the staff hospital. The hospital had to re-clear its home for the sake of finding rice and cooking pots. According to science and technology is the eternal topic of the first productive forces, to promote research and development out of vulgar, put the agenda of the leadership of the hospital. According to the sub-analysis of the “silver thread” and the “buckle thread”, there is a lot of “special” difficulty in the scientific research for the staff hospitals. In view of the fact that more than 30% of the hospitals in the country are of a corporate nature, these difficulties are representative and exemplary. The special summary is as follows.
哈医大第一临床医学院药学部的一项动物实验结果表明:桦叶具有较强的解热降温作用。至此,中华医药宝库又将增加一味芬芳的草药。 据《本草拾遗》、《本草纲目》等古籍载:桦
【内容摘要】高中历史教学是当下教育改革的主要目标之一。历史是高中教学中非常重要的组成部分,能够帮助学生了解中国和外国的发展历史,帮助学生建立起国家荣誉感,并且让学生产生历史学习的兴趣,使得学生的综合素养得到提升。历史故事在历史教学中的使用十分必要,能够增加课堂的趣味性,使得课堂教学效率得到提升。本文结合当下高中历史教学的现状,对如何在历史教学过程中使用历史故事提出相应的建议。  【关键词】高中历史
A period of60years is nota shortone, butthe his-torical facts still com e up vividly before peoples’eyes,as ifhappened yesterday.O ver 60years ago,fascists in