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7月22日,成了中国彩电企业价格同盟的滑铁卢。这个同盟在踉踉跄跄地走了44天之后,终于走到了尽头。一次轰轰烈烈的“结盟闹剧”在预料中匆匆忙忙地收场。但人们对事件的思考却还未结束。搅混市场谁惹的祸? 彩电联盟消息传出,虽不免在媒体上又引起一阵小小的骚动,但由于近年来大家对这类合谋及其结局已见得多了,所以不怒反笑,大都胸有成竹、气定神闲地料到它不会长久,不过是“两次战争之间的短暂的间歇”。君不见从农用车、汽车,到彩管、空调等,一个个价格盟约不论当初怎样信誓旦旦,还不是倾刻间冰消瓦解。价格战打到这种程度,关键的原因是重复建设所导致的过剩一直未能通过市场竞争被消除。我们不应一般地反对“重复建设”,市场竞争本来就是在重复建设中进行的,不重复,何来竞争?而竞争的要义是有生有死,优胜劣汰。只要能达到这样的结果,竞争的力量就能有效地平衡“重复建设”,重新优化资源配置。价格战清楚地表明资源在彩电业的配置迫切需要调整,但正是在这一点上,市场竞争的过程及其逻辑受到了阻碍,表现为企业总是有生无死,过度投向这个行业的资源总是不能退出。于是,与当初对外国产品的竞争不 On July 22nd, it became Waterloo, a color TV company in China. After 44 days in disobedience, this alliance finally reached its end. A vigorous “allied farce” ended up hurriedly in the forecast. However, people’s thinking about the incident is not yet over. The troubles that stir up the market are causing troubles. The news of the TV Alliance has caused a small commotion in the media. However, due to the fact that everyone has seen this type of conspiracy and its outcomes in recent years, it will not be angry and laugh. There is no doubt that it will not last forever, but it is “a brief interval between the two wars.” Do not you see from the agricultural vehicles, cars, to the color tube, air conditioning, etc., one by one, regardless of how the price of the covenant was vowed, it is not an era of disintegration. The key reason why the price war hit this level is that the surplus caused by repeated construction has not been eliminated through market competition. We should not generally oppose “repetitive construction”. Market competition is originally carried out in repeated construction. It does not repeat, and how does it compete? The essence of competition is that there is life and death and the survival of the fittest. As long as such results can be achieved, the power of competition can effectively balance “repetitive construction” and re-optimize the allocation of resources. The price war clearly shows that the allocation of resources in the color TV industry is in urgent need of adjustment. However, precisely at this point, the process and logic of market competition have been hampered by the fact that companies are always dead and over-invested in this industry. Can’t always exit. Therefore, the competition with foreign products was not
保暖内衣:火爆了媒体广告 还是在色彩斑斓的秋天,中央电视台的广告上就燃起了保暖内衣的篝火。那火烧得猛呀!郑少秋说了:“俞兆林真厉害!”。赵本山喜好“北极绒”,尤勇则喜
●2000年上半年我国皮革产品出口成绩喜人,除足、篮、排球外,其他主要皮革商品与去年同期相比呈大幅增长之势; ●美国仍是我国皮革制品出口主要国家; ●我国皮革及生皮(毛皮