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阳春三月,伴着和煦的春风,记者专程前往传说中因凤凰栖落而得名“凤凰城”的唐山市,采访了两次荣膺“全国医院优秀院长”称号的医院管理专家、全国先进工作者、已连任15年院长的唐山工人医院院长高煜章。从1984年至今,短短的15年里,高院长以“求真、求实、求深”的工作作风和敢为天下先的开拓精神,带领全院职工大胆改革,拼搏进取,走出了一条飞跃发展的成功之路,创造了唐山工人医院今天的辉煌。 锐意改革 实行科学管理 改革,在今天早已成为人们最基本的一种生存观念。它使所有的中国人多了一次重新认识自己,同时也重新认识社会的机遇。 1984年,当一纸调令把高煜章推上院长岗位时,呈现在他面前的是一个基础差且乱的摊子:医院仅有500张床位,800名职工,医 In the spring of March in Yangchun, accompanied by the spring breeze, the reporter made a special trip to Tangshan City, where the legendary Phoenix City was named after Phoenix. He interviewed two hospital management experts who were honored as “National Dean of Hospital Excellence” and advanced in the country. Workers, Gao Shanzhang, dean of Tangshan Workers’ Hospital who has been re-elected for 15 years. From 1984 to the present, in just 15 years, the High Dean led the staff of the hospital to make bold reforms and strive to forge ahead with a work style of “seeking truth, seeking truth, and seeking deepness” and pioneering spirit that dares to be the best in the world. The successful road of leap development has created Tangshan Workers’ Hospital today’s glory. Committed to Reform The implementation of scientific management reforms has long been a basic concept of survival. It made all Chinese people more aware of themselves once more and at the same time re-aware of opportunities in society. In 1984, when a piece of paper order sent Gao Gaozhang to the post of Dean, what he presented before him was a poor foundation and a mess: The hospital had only 500 beds, 800 workers, and doctors.
笔者于1996年4月至1997年4月,在日本圣玛丽亚医科大学小儿科进行为期一年的研修,期间利用近3个月的时间在NICU参观学习日本的新生儿管理方法,现介绍如下:1 对围产期工作的高
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