中共甘肃省八届三次全委(扩大)会在兰举行——学习贯彻了党的十四届五中全会精神 审议通过了《中共甘肃省委关于制定国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和二○一○年远景目标的建议》省委书记阎海旺在闭幕大会上作了

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中共甘肃省八届三次全委(扩大)会议,于1995年11月20日—23日在兰州隆重举行.这次会议认真学习了党的十四届五中全会精神,着重讨论了“九五”和今后15年我省经济社会发展的基本任务、奋斗目标、发展重点和方针措施,经认真审议,通过了《中共甘肃省委关于制定国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标的建议》.《建议》分析了我省国民经济和社会发展的基础和条件,提出今后15年我省经济发展的奋斗目标是:原定到2000年国民生产总值比1980年翻两番的任务要于1996年提前四年完成;“九五”国民生产总值以8%的速度增长,力争更快一些,到2000年实现人均国民生产总值比1980年翻两番;到2010年国民生产总值在2000年基础上再翻一番.财政收入要和国民生产总值同步增长,“九五”实现省级平衡,多数地县能够自给;后10年财政状况要有大的转变.经过15年的努力,使全省经济实力显著增强,农业基础更加稳固,经济结构趋于合理,财政状况明显好转.围绕奋斗目标,《建议》提出了全省经济建设的6条主要 The Third Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Gansu Province) was held in Lanzhou from November 20 to November 23, 1995. The meeting seriously studied the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee, “And the next 15 years, the province’s economic and social development of our basic tasks, goals, development priorities and measures, after careful consideration, adopted the” Gansu Provincial CPC Committee on the development of national economy and social development, “Ninth Five-Year Plan” and Vision 2010 Goals and recommendations. “The” Proposal “analyzed the foundation and conditions of our province’s national economy and social development and proposed that the goal of our province’s economic development for the next 15 years should be as follows: the original goal is to quadruple the GNP of 2000 to 1980 Of the tasks to be completed in 1996 four years ahead of schedule; ”95“ GDP growth rate of 8%, and strive to some faster, by the year 2000 per capita gross national product per capita than in 1980; by 2010 The gross national product has to double again on the basis of 2000. The fiscal revenue should increase at the same pace as the gross national product, achieve a provincial level balance in the Ninth Five-Year Plan and allow for self-sufficiency in most of the prefectures and counties; there should be a major shift in the state of finance in the next 10 years After 15 years of hard work, The province’s economic strength has increased markedly, agricultural infrastructure more stable, more reasonable economic structure, the financial situation improved markedly. Around the goal, ”recommendations" made six major economic development of the province
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