
来源 :贵州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:canble_dut
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《贵州政报》是省人民政府传达政令、指导工作的政务月刊,由省政府办公厅主办。政报具有政策性、权威性、法规性和服务性的特点,是省政府联系群众,上情下达、下情上传的桥梁和纽带。近年来由于各地、各部门对《贵州政报》的重视.使《贵州政报》的发行量逐年递增。政令得到较快较好的传达贯彻。为进一步做好1997年度《贵州政报》的宣传发行工作,特通知如下: 一、充分认识《贵州政报》的重要性。政报集中和准确地刊登国务院、省人民政府和省有关部门的重要文件、政策、法律和规章,着力反映省政府对全省经济、社会发展的指导思想、政策措施以及各地在改革开放和经济建设中的新成就、新经验。集政令、信息、资料为一体,有利于各机关、团体、企事业单位以及从事农工商生产、经营的集体单位、个体劳动者较为便捷完备地掌握政策、法令,是从事政治、经济文化等项工作和研究活动的必备刊物。 The “Guizhou Gazette” is the provincial government’s monthly government newsletter that conveys the government decrees and guides the work of the provincial people’s government. The policy possesses the characteristics of policy, authority, regulation and service. It is the bridge and link between the provincial government and the masses, the issue of the situation and the issue of the next issue. In recent years, due to the importance attached by all localities and departments to the “Guizhou Gazette”, the circulation of “Guizhou Gazette” has been increasing year by year. Decree to be faster and better communication and implementation. In order to further promote the publicity and publication of the 1997 Guizhou Political Bulletin, the special notice is as follows: 1. Fully understand the importance of the “Guizhou Political Bulletin.” The Gazette concentrates and accurately publishes the important documents, policies, laws and regulations of the State Council, the provincial people’s government and relevant provincial departments and makes efforts to reflect the guiding ideology, policies and measures of the provincial government on the province’s economic and social development as well as the reform and opening up and the economy throughout the province New achievements and new experiences in construction. Set of government decree, information, data as a whole, is conducive to the various agencies, groups, enterprises and institutions engaged in farming and industrial production, management of collective units, individual laborers more complete and complete grasp of policies and decrees, is engaged in political, economic and cultural work And research publications.
三峡水库蓄水达到175 m后,每年随着库区水位的升降,形成落差30 m的消落带。受到淹水-落干周期性影响,消落带土壤磷形态和含量发生显著的变化,大量的磷素流失进入库区,同时落干期消
我仍然属于你  踏过大片青草  跨过宏伟的长桥  越过万岭的重山  我情愿化成一阵风  无论哪个季节  都会从你周边缠绵地飘过  仍然能轻轻抚摸你的脸颊  我情
六月,是美丽的季节,是火热的季节;  六月,是离别的季节,是回忆的季节。  六月里,因为有了清香的兰花,有了忧郁的海棠,有了一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄,有了一个个金黄欲滴的柚子,刹时变得