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  1.Joey’s handwritten ceremony from Friends:
  We had the Joey speech from Friends:’It is a love based on giving and receiving as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have... and receive.
  ⒉A Frozen① moment that’ll melt your heart:
  Me:...and we will always fi nish each other’s...
  Husband: …sandwiches!
  I didn’t tell him I was going to say it, but he knew exactly what to say when I did!
  ⒊A surprisingly sweet section of Hamlet:
  Doubt thou the stars are fi re;
  Doubt that the sun (changed this to earth for obvious reasons!) doth move;
  Doubt truth to be a liar;
  But never doubt I love.
  ⒋Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope’s cutest promise:
  Our vows② include Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope’s ’I love you and I like you’ from Parks and Recreation. A great tribute③ to my absolute favorite TV show and some really inspirational characters.
  ⒌A classic quote④ from baseball history:
  We got married on a baseball fi eld, so I recited⑤the beginning of Lou Gehrig’s famous speech by saying, Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.
  ⒍A reference to your favorite video game:
  We included references to the video game we play together, League⑥ of Legends. I play as his support and he plays the ADC, so we included it. His are: I need my support with me all the time. Even if I can’t carry all the time, I can count on you to pick me up and carry me through the hard times in life so I can get back up and carry us the rest of the way.
  Mine are: No matter where we may have to roam⑦, I’ll always stand by your side. I’ll be here to make sure you’re fed, strong, and safe. I’ll be the one to watch your back and the one to jump to help you when you’re feeling weak. Whatever we find ourselves against, I know I can make it through anything when I’m with you.   提到最爱的网游:
  ⒎Quotes from several of your favorite movies:
  My husband and I had a movie-themed wedding. We got married in a movie theater and had the reception⑧ there too. To go along with the theme, our vows were movie quotes strung together. My husband even snuck in ’Here’s to swimmin with bow-legged women’ from Jaws, his favorite movie.
  ⒏This eternally romantic line from Lord of the Rings:
  I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all of the ages of the world alone.

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