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在新媒体背景下,学生工作出现新常态。新媒体给学生工作带来机遇,让学生工作的形式更加灵活、工作的效率极大提高,与此同时也给学生工作带来挑战:网络的自由化给反动势力的“草根运动”、“松土运动”及邪教等可乘之机,网络的虚拟性和非实名制,降低学生的社会责任感。造成这一挑战的主要原因有对媒介信息的判断能力欠缺、媒介道德规范缺位、媒体负责人对新闻的把关度降低。制止负面影响的策略主要有:提高学生的媒介素养,将理论与实际有机结合、学生工作者要主动积极接触新媒体,树立终身学习的教育理念、出台相关新媒体的法律文件,将不法行为绳之于法。 In the context of new media, students work a new normal. The new media brings opportunities for students ’work, makes students more flexible in their work style, and greatly improves the efficiency of their work. At the same time, it also poses challenges for students’ work. The liberalization of the Internet gives “grassroots movements” to reactionary forces, “Tilting Movement ” and cult and other opportunities, the network’s virtual and non-real-name system, reducing the sense of social responsibility of students. The main reasons for this challenge include the lack of ability to judge media information, the absence of media ethics and the reduction of press coverage by media executives. To stop the negative impact of the strategies are: to improve students’ media literacy, the theory and practice of organic integration of student workers to actively engage in new media, establish lifelong learning philosophy, the introduction of relevant new media legal documents, the wrongdoing of the rope The law.
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