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例1 机型:一台M—1724打印机故障现象:在进行长时间打印操作时,打印头突然出现滑动迟缓,打印出来的上半行汉字与下半行汉字相互错位,不成字型或者新打印出来的一行左侧起始字符与上一行的起始字符错位一个或几个字符位置。分析与检修:刚开始,怀疑病毒感染主机而导致误动作,因此先对机子内存及硬盘清病毒,再操作打印一遍,故障现象仍未清除,因而病毒感染被否定。接着,对打印机字车部分进行仔细检查,发现字车的支持杆上有油污,因而关闭打印机电源,用手移动打印字车,用干净软布把油污擦试干净。然后滴上几滴高级润滑油,然后调试打印操作,运行正常,故障排除。例2 机型:一部东海0530微机的101键盘故障现象:“A”键按下后无响应,屏幕无相应的信息显示。分析与检修:一般情况下,此类故障是由于键座内 Example 1 Model: a M-1724 printer Symptom: Print head suddenly slides slowly when printing for a long time. The printed Chinese characters in the first half of the line are misaligned with the Chinese characters in the lower half of the line. The starting character on the left side of the line is offset from the starting character on the previous line by one or more character positions. Analysis and Maintenance: At the beginning, suspected virus infection caused by the host malfunction, so the first machine memory and hard drive clean virus, and then print again operation, the failure has not been cleared, so the virus was negative. Then, part of the printer to check the word car and found word car support rod has oil, so turn off the printer power, hand moving the print car, with a clean soft cloth to rub the oil clean. Then drop a few drops of senior lubricants, and then debug print operation, normal operation, troubleshooting. Example 2 Model: A 101 East 10130 computer keyboard failure phenomenon: “A” key press no response, the screen no corresponding information display. Analysis and overhaul: Under normal circumstances, such failure is due to the key seat
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