三强老总会聚烟台 共商行业发展大计

来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhaoxin1983
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金秋十月,我国葡萄酒行业中三强企业的三位老总,烟台张裕葡萄酿酒股份有限公司孙利强总经理,中国长城葡萄酒有限公司何琇总经理,王朝葡萄酿酒有限公司高孝德总经理会聚烟台,共商我国葡萄酒业的发展大计。 “张裕”、“王朝”、“长城”三家企业是我国葡萄酒行业的龙头企业,在我国葡萄酒行业中起着举足轻重的作用,三家企业的销售额、利税均占全行业的60%左右,据1998年7月份统计,在全国大中城市葡萄酒市场销售中,三家总计市场占有率达53.1%。三家老总首次欢聚一堂,就目前我国葡萄酒业发展中遇到的问题交流看法、协商对策,无疑是我国葡萄酒 In October, three CEOs of the top three companies in China’s wine industry, Sun Liqiang, general manager of Yantai Changyu Grape Wine Co., Ltd., General Manager He Wei of China Great Wall Wine Co., Ltd., and General Manager Gao Xiaode of Dynasty Wine Co., Ltd. gathered in Yantai to discuss The development plan of China’s wine industry. The three enterprises of “Zhangyu”, “dynasty”, and “Great Wall” are the leading enterprises in the wine industry in China and play a decisive role in the wine industry in China. The sales, profits and taxes of the three companies account for the entire industry. About 60%, according to statistics in July 1998, in the national market sales of large and medium-sized cities, the total market share of the three companies reached 53.1%. The three CEOs gathered for the first time and exchanged opinions and consultations on the problems encountered in the development of China’s wine industry. It is undoubtedly the wine of our country.
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刘家雍简历职务:Novell 大中国区总经理专业:MBA 信息管理学位:硕士经历:1986年,进入 IBM,任系统工程师,后任大客户业务经理;随后转入 HP,不久任行销经理;1993年被 Oracle 台
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