
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daoshi100
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企业以高于正常交易价格从国外关联企业购入有形资产时,日本税务当局要依据本国的转移价格税制,以独立企业成交价格调整该项关联交易的成交价格,调增企业当期的所得额。企业以高价购入的有形资产当期并未全部销售,或者作为固定资产投资计提折旧时,税务上应如何调整呢?日本《关于租税特别措置法的通达》等66条5款10项中规定:关联交易价格超出独立企业成交价格时,其差额部分要并入关联交易所属年度的所得中,但当该项差额的全部或一部分因计入期末盘存商品价值而并未列入企业当期成本时,允许从该项期末盘存商品价值中减除未计入成本部分的差额。 When an enterprise buys tangible assets from foreign affiliates at a price higher than the normal transaction price, the Japanese tax authorities shall adjust the transaction price of the related party transactions and increase the current income of the enterprise based on the domestic transfer price tax system based on the transaction price of the independent enterprise. How to adjust the taxation when the enterprises purchase the tangible assets at a high price for a long time and do not have all the sales in the current period or depreciate as the investment in fixed assets? In Article 5 of Article 5 of the Article 66 in Japan, “the accessibility of the taxation special measures law” : If the price of the related transaction exceeds the transaction price of the independent enterprise, the difference shall be included in the income of the year of the related transaction, but when all or part of the difference is not included in the current cost of the enterprise due to the inclusion of the inventory value at the period-end Allow the deduction of the portion not included in the cost from the inventory value of the item at the end of the period.
各省、自治区、直辖市税务局,各计划单列市税务局,海洋石油税务管理局各分局: 为适应电子行业的发展和外商投资企业生产电子产品的实际情况,按照公平税负、合理负担的原则,
为观察腺病毒介导的血管内皮细胞生长因子B(VEGF B)基因体外转染对血管内皮细胞的促增殖作用 ,构建编码人VEGF B基因的复制缺陷的重组腺病毒载体 ,体外转染鼠主动脉血管内皮
目的 探讨失血性休克大鼠L 选择素转录及翻译水平表达对创伤及休克病理生理过程的影响。方法 大鼠剪尾取血作为正常对照 ,颈部去皮颈动脉结扎剪断插管作为实验对照 ,建立失