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用免疫组织化学 ABC方法普查了正常生活状态下大鼠全脑内 FOS的基础表达。结果显示在正常生活状态下大鼠脑中有广泛而恒定的 FOS表达 ,出现于许多核团 ,如 :孤束核的连合核、内侧亚核 ,脑桥核 ,臂旁外侧核及 KF核 ,下丘 ,丘脑室旁核 ,下丘脑乳头体上核、视交叉上核以及中央杏仁核 ,新皮质等处。另外 ,在外侧网状核 ,三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核 ,A1区 ,舌下神经前置核 ,小脑皮质颗粒层 ,中央灰质腹外侧部 ,腹侧被盖区 ,顶盖前区 ,下丘脑后区 ,外侧膝状体腹侧核 ,外侧缰核 ,尾壳核 ,屏状核 ,视上核 ,隔外侧核 ,扣带回皮质和嗅结节等处也有恒定的 FOS表达。面部皮下注射甲醛后 ,在部分脑区如三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核 、 层及下丘脑室旁核等处 FOS表达增多 ,而脑内大部分核团 FOS表达模式未变。本文作者推测 ,这些正常生活状态下的 FOS表达可能与机体的基础代谢以及内脏、躯体功能活动 ,外界刺激如光线、声音等感觉传入活动有关。在分析实验刺激引起的 F OS表达变化时应注意区分 The basic expression of FOS in the whole brain of rats under normal living condition was investigated by immunohistochemical ABC method. The results showed that in normal living conditions, rat brain had extensive and constant expression of FOS in many nuclei, such as nucleus of commissural nucleus, medial subnucleus, pontine nucleus, lateral parabrachial nucleus and KF nucleus, Inferior colliculus, paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, hypothalamus supramamillary nucleus, suprachiasmaticus and central amygdala, neocortex and so on. In addition, in the lateral reticular nucleus, the trigeminal nucleus caudalis subnucleus, A1 area, hypoglossal presynaptic nucleus, cerebellar cortex granular layer, the central gray matter ventral part, the ventral tegmental area, the anterior carapace, The posterior hypothalamic area, the lateral geniculate nucleus, the lateral habenular nucleus, the caudate putamen, the caudate putamen, the caudate nucleus, the supraoptic nucleus, the lateral commissure, the cingulate cortex and the olfactory nodule also have constant FOS expression. Facial subcutaneous injection of formaldehyde, in some brain regions such as the trigeminal nerve bundle nucleus caudal subnuclear, layer and hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and other FOS expression increased, while most of the brain FOS expression pattern unchanged. The authors speculate that these normal living conditions of FOS expression may be related to the body’s basal metabolism and visceral and somatic functional activities, external stimuli such as light, sound and other sensory afferent activities. In the analysis of experimental stimuli caused by FOS expression changes should pay attention to the distinction
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