
来源 :深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:successyi
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我国农村土地制度从“两权分离”到“三权分置”的改革放活了土地经营权,对破解“三农”问题以及优化农业产业结构是一个重大突破。“三权分置”改革的实质是解决农村土地资源扭曲配置问题,它为“城市反哺农村”发展模式的实施提供了可能。通过政府引导和支持城镇投资者到农村创办富有特色的新型农业企业来带动农村经济的发展,同时实现城镇投资者资本的自身增值,是“城市反哺农村”发展模式的核心,这种发展模式对于解决农业产业结构不合理、经营方式落后、土地经营权流转不合理等问题意义重大。由于它是一个创新性、长久性、系统性的工程,基于我国地域辽阔,农业人口众多,区域间资源禀赋差异较大等现实情况,因此,该发展模式的实施要做到因地制宜、因时制宜,先试点、后推广,扎扎实实、稳步推进,逐步形成具有我国特色社会主义新农村建设的基本路径。 The reform of China’s rural land system from “separation of ownership and separation of powers” to “separation of the three powers” has given way to land management rights and is a major breakthrough in cracking down the “three rural issues” and optimizing the agricultural industrial structure. The essence of the reform of the “separation of powers” is to solve the problem of distorted allocation of land resources in rural areas, which provides the possibility for the implementation of the “urban nurturing rural” development model. It is the core of the development model of “urban nurturing rural areas” that the government should guide and support urban investors to establish distinctive new agricultural enterprises in rural areas so as to promote the development of rural economy and realize the self-appreciation of urban investors’ capital. The model is of great significance for solving the unreasonable agricultural industrial structure, the backward management mode and the unreasonable transfer of the land management right. Because it is an innovative, long-term and systematic project, based on the fact that China has a vast territory, a large agricultural population, and a large difference in regional endowments of resources, the implementation of this development model should be tailored to local conditions. It is advisable to start with a pilot project and then promote it in a down-to-earth manner so as to steadily promote the gradual formation of a basic path for building a new socialist countryside with Chinese characteristics.
提出在单条馈线内识别单相接地故障区段的纵向识别法.该方法选取综合负序电流突变量作为单相接地故障特征,利用配网自动化中分散安装的Feeder Terminal Unit(FTU)和通信系统,
一、1—5月工业经济运行情况今年以来 ,工业经济继续保持良好发展势头。尽管从4月下旬开始 ,非典型肺炎疫情给部分地区和企业生产造成不利影响 ,但在党中央、国务院的领导下