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有清一代,是汉文西夏史籍成书最多的时代,被目录书著录和文集述及的有20种左右,留存至今者6种,2/3都已亡佚。清人编修的西夏文献专史史体多样,取材范围广泛,记述内容更加丰富,且注意甄别史料真伪,但编史的指导思想中尊宋贬夏的倾向明显,所辑史料出处大同小异,绝少创新,专题类西夏文献凤毛麟角。传世的西夏史籍中脱、讹、衍、倒等现象严重,需加以整理后方能利用。为便于学者利用清朝及近代重要汉文西夏文献,兹选其17种重要文献解题。 There is a generation of Qing Dynasty, is the most ancient Chinese Xi Xia Dynasty into a book of the era, by the catalog books and essays about 20 or so, retained so far 6, 2/3 have been lost. The history of Xixia literature compiled by the Qing dynasty was diverse in history, covered a wide range of sources and enriched the content of the narration, but also paid attention to the authenticity of the historical materials. However, the guiding ideology of Zun Song obviously derogated Xia in summer, Few innovations, thematic categories Xixia literature rare. The handed down in the Western Xia Dynasty history books, false, Yan, inverted and other serious phenomena, to be rearranged before they can use. In order to facilitate scholars to make use of the important Chinese and Western literature in modern times in Qing Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, 17 kinds of important literary works are the best choice.
AIM: To investigate dose-response and time-course of the effects of ethanol on the cell viability and antioxidant capacity in isolated rat hepatocytes. METHODS:
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We report a case of candidal liver abscesses and concomitant candidal cholecystitis in a diabetic patient, in whom differences were noted relative to those foun
Logistics network design influences the efficiency and cost of Logistics directly.Some manufacturing enterprises not only have warehouse hubs,but also build com
日前,欧洲防务局(EDA:the European Defense Agency)与EADS创新产品公司(EADS Innovation Works)签订合同,进行一项新的研究计划,旨在增强各种环境,尤其是在复杂城区环境中狙击手探测系统的性能。  该项目主要是指狙击手定位和探测(SNIPOD:NSIper POsitioning andDetection)技术的改进,其将改进以声音及激光为基础的探
军舰建成后要举行下水仪式,同时进行命名,这是军舰首次对外亮相。观赏舰船由船台滑行到海面的豪华场面,真是一种视觉与听觉的双重享受。    什么是“下水”?    自古以来,无论大小,在岸上建造的船舶总是要移动到水里的,俗称下水。这时船东都要召集相关人士和参观者,一同分享喜悦之情。在下水前还要是用旗帜、彩带把新船装饰一番。  就下水方式而言,军舰与民船并没有什么区别。但是为此举办的下水仪式的内容却有非