Analyses of Composition and Structure on the Ancient Bronze Black Mirror“Hei-Qi-Gu”and Search Into t

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangfei0960
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The Chinese ancient bronze black mirror“Hei-Qi-Gu”is famous for its black colour,brightsurface and anti-corroding property.In the present work,methods of SEM,IR,EPMA,Memhrane-XRD,and AFM were employed to detect the composition and structure of several pieces of Hei-Qi-Gu fragments.Itwas found that after casting,the surface of the bronze mirror was treated by a special process,and most ofCu was moved away while Sn and Si were rich in the surface layer.The oxides SnO_2 and SiO_2 on the surfacein a very small particle size are particularly stable and they protect the bronze alloy successfully.The surface layer and the transition layer have been dissected mainly,and some important informa-tion has been obtained.The special treating process of the mirror surface is searched and discussed. The Chinese ancient bronze black mirror “Hei-Qi-Gu ” is famous for its black color, brightsurface and anti-corroding property. The present work, methods of SEM, IR, EPMA, Memhrane-XRD, and AFM were employed to detect the composition and structure of several pieces of Hei-Qi-Gu fragments. Itwas found that after casting, the surface of the bronze mirror was treated by a special process, and most of Cu was moved away while Sn and Si were rich in the surface layer.The oxides SnO 2 and SiO 2 on the surface of a very small particle size are particularly stable and they protect the bronze alloy successfully. The surface layer and the transition layer have been dissected mainly, and some important informa- tion has been obtained. special treating process of the mirror surface is searched and discussed.
本文报道2例应用静注新青霉素Ⅱ治愈的葡萄球菌心内膜炎,因滥用而引起了肝脏中毒。病例1 38岁、女性、非肠道性海洛因和麻醉剂成瘾患者。因呼吸困难、咳嗽、发热、寒战、恶
“蚕豆黄”是一种先天性(遗传性)红细胞缺乏葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(简称 G-6PD)的疾病,可因吃蚕豆而引起急性溶血性贫血。每当蚕豆收获季节(4月份),即有部分人群发病。据国外
菌痢对人类的危害性犹如霍乱、鼠疫。特別是乳幼儿,症状特殊,診断困难,預后不良。但国內有关专述文献极少,因此作者温习部分中、俄文献,作一綜合介紹如下: 发病率年龄:乳幼
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