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在发达国家里,能源的1/3以上、电力的60%都消耗在取暖、制冷和照明上。为节省能源,这些国家正在研究开发各种各样的节能窗户。新近推出的吸热玻璃是一种可以吸收红外线,也就是热辐射线的玻璃,它既能吸热,又不挡住光线进入室内。为了克服这种玻璃在吸收热辐射之后温度升高而容易爆裂的缺点,往往将这种玻璃做成夹网玻璃或双层玻璃。低E玻璃窗是一种具有低辐射特性的窗户,自1983年在美国市场出现以来发展很快。低E玻璃窗是在两层玻璃之一的内表面上加一层低辐射薄膜涂层,涂层由多层金属或金属氧化物,或两者的混合物所组成。涂层一般仅有几百个原子的厚度,对可见光是透明的,但却不能通过波长较长的红外热辐射。室内的热辐射被窗户的里层所吸收并 In developed countries, more than one-third of energy and 60% of electricity are consumed in heating, cooling, and lighting. To save energy, these countries are researching and developing various energy-saving windows. The recently introduced heat-absorbing glass is a type of glass that can absorb infrared rays, that is, heat radiation, and it can absorb heat without blocking light from entering the room. In order to overcome the disadvantage that the glass is liable to burst when the temperature rises after absorbing the heat radiation, the glass is often made into a laminated glass or a double glass. The low E glass window is a kind of window with low radiation characteristics, and it has developed rapidly since its appearance in the US market in 1983. A low-E glass window is a layer of a low-emission thin film coating on the inner surface of one of the two layers of glass. The coating consists of multiple layers of metal or metal oxide, or a mixture of the two. The coating is generally only a few hundred atomic thickness and is transparent to visible light, but it cannot pass infrared heat radiation with longer wavelengths. The heat radiation in the room is absorbed by the inner layer of the window and
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本文从环腺苷酸(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)依赖性蛋白激酶A(protein kinase A,PKA)信号传导途径的角度来阐述前列腺素E_2(prostaglandin E_2,PGE_2)抑制Gin-1健
1992年2月16日,辽宁省抚顺玻璃厂破产。这是建国以来,我国宣布破产的第一家国有中型企业。 然而,令人难以置信的是,在时过3年后的今天,抚顺玻璃厂仍然没有“死净”,政府投入
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目的 探讨保留下颌骨连续性舌癌联合根治术治疗中晚期舌癌的可行性。方法 对采用此术式治疗的18例中晚期舌癌的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 术后全部病例均能进普食且面容
一款由美国加州爱尔文市纽波特公司设计的耦合光纤光谱仪已经进入商业应用阶段。该仪器的心脏部分是德州达拉斯市德克萨斯仪器公司生产的数字微镜阵列器 ,现已广泛应用于投影