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对时空而言,想念有远有近。新加坡河很美,很宁静,以至于刚刚离开它就又想念它。世界上的河流千万条,让人耳熟能详并心驰神往着的法国塞纳河、德国莱茵河、俄国伏尔加河、涅瓦河我没能够领略,但我敢说,新加坡河的美韵,新加坡河所蕴含着的沧桑,新加坡河所体现出的那种独特的精神,是可以与世界任何一个国家城市名河媲美的。在我早期的记忆中,新加坡与电影中的南洋联系在一起,孙中山先生的奔走呼号,与并不富裕的华侨们握手、交流,老一辈华侨的吃苦耐劳,构成了一幅印象中的南洋景象,这种印象中的南洋,其范围并不特指哪个国家,好像离开中国版图南边的一块块岛屿都叫南洋,像是一个个相连着的整体。九月的新加坡是一个阳光灿烂的季节,漫步在新加坡不大的城区中,一组组诺大的榕树、一片片绿茵茵的草地、一簇簇叫不上名字的花朵,把这座极富特色的城市映衬的多彩斑斓,处处充满着诗情画意。如果说,绿色是这座南洋名城主基调,掩藏在郁郁葱葱之中参差错落的楼宇反倒成了点缀。当地人点拨说,新加坡地域不大,不妨乘坐游船游览一下贯穿东西的新加坡河,虽说只有短短45分钟游程,但从河流变迁的历史和沿河两岸的建设,每一位来新加坡的外国人都能从中真实地感受新加坡进步与文明。新加坡河似乎与世界所有河流不同的是,水是海水而不是淡水。我们没有考证这贯穿城市东西两头的“河流”是自然还是人 As far as space and time are concerned, there are far and near miss. The Singapore River is so beautiful and tranquil that you miss it just after leaving it. Thousands of rivers in the world, people familiar with and fascinated by the French Seine, the Rhine in Germany, the Russian Volga, Neva I can not appreciate, but I would say that the beauty of the Singapore River, the implication of the Singapore River The vicissitudes of life, Singapore River reflects the kind of unique spirit, is comparable to any other city in the world. In my early memory, Singapore was associated with the movie Nanyang. Sun Yat-sen’s call for action shook hands with and exchanged ideas with the wealthy overseas Chinese. The hard-working Chinese people of the older generation made an impression of the Southeast Asia This impression of Southeast Asia, the scope does not specifically refer to which country, as if to leave the block of islands to the south of China’s territory are called Nanyang, like a whole one connected. September’s Singapore is a sunny season, stroll in the small city of Singapore, a group of Connaught large banyan trees, a piece of grass green, a bunch of nameless flowers, the very rich Colorful city lining the distinctive city, everywhere full of poetic. If you say that the green is the main theme of this city of Nanyang, hidden in the lush patchwork of buildings actually become embellishment. Locals point to say that Singapore is not large in area. Take a cruise to explore the Singapore River which runs through things. Although only a short 45-minute tour, from the history of river changes and the construction along the banks of the river, every foreigner who comes to Singapore From which we can truly appreciate Singapore’s progress and civilization. The Singapore River, unlike all the rivers in the world, seems to be water instead of fresh water. We have not verified that this “river”, which runs through both ends of the city, is natural or human
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