银杏为雌雄异株,极少为雌雄同株。目前各地留存下来的银杏大树,多为雌株,雄株极少,影响结果,因此必须进行人工授粉。现介绍三种方法如下: 1.挂花枝法: 当雄花序由青转淡黄时采集雄花枝,并截成25—30厘米长的枝段,2~3枝交叉用细绳捆扎成束,挂于雌树上风头或上层树冠。为延长花粉生命力,剪取含苞待放的雄花枝,插在装有尿素水溶液(尿素与水1:250配成),或湿土
Ginkgo bisexual, rarely monoecious. At present, many ginkgo trees that have survived all over the country are mostly female plants with few male plants, which will affect the result and therefore must be artificially pollinated. Now introduce the three methods are as follows: 1. Hanging branches method: When the male inflorescence from yellowish to yellow when collecting male flowering branches, and cut into 25-30 cm long branches, 2 to 3 branches tied with a string tied into a bundle, Hanging in the limelight or the upper tree crown. In order to prolong the vitality of pollen, the male flower branches with the buds to be cut are cut and inserted in an aqueous urea solution (1: 250 mixture of urea and water) or wet soil