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  Guy Raz (Host): The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since January 2009, and this time, the size of the workforce didn’t 1)shrink, so more people are working and more people are looking for work.
  And of those looking, technology may pose a slight 2)obstacle. Most big companies now use 3)screening software to 4)scan through resumes, and so it could make it even harder to catch an employer’s eye. Here’s reporter Ben Bradford with more.
  Ben Bradford: It’s estimated about 90% of large companies use some form of screening software. So I asked Barbara Safani, a Manhattan career consultant, how does my resume 5)stack up against the machine.
  Barbara Safani: There are a lot of things I see here that could immediately just kick it out just because the software can’t read it.
  Bradford: Like what?
  Safani: For example, on your resume, you have your dates of employment going across columns.
  Bradford: Mm, the eye reads left to right, and it goes left to right. Apparently, this is not as great an idea as I’d hoped. It turns out, my resume has all kinds of problems. It’s a PDF; that’s harder for machines to digest. My dates are in the wrong place. My work experience goes the wrong direction, and I have this beautiful side column showing off my impressive digital skills, but because it’s not 6)offset below my job experience, the software might think it’s another job that I worked at some company called Digital Skills. Thankfully, Safani says these things are easy to fix, and that it’s not that hard to create a resume the software can read.
  Safani: I think it can add a layer of complexity to the process. It’s not rocket science, though.
  Bradford: Eric Lochner is an executive at [1]Kenexa, one of the biggest employment software companies. And Kenexa has some big clients: Wal-Mart, General Electric and Starbucks.
  Eric Lochner: Our largest client receives over a million candidates a month. Our average client will receive anywhere between 15,000 and 40,000 candidates a month.
  Bradford: Lochner says automation means companies can find quality candidates in a day where it used to take weeks. And job hunters benefit too.
  Lochner: The process is so much more simplified and 7)streamlined. All of these CVs go into one database. And the CV doesn’t get put in an outbox or accidentally deleted.   Bradford: Once it’s in the database, a resume can be 8)filtered, graded or ranked by how well it matches a job so recruiters only spend time looking at the best fits. But even as more and more companies turn to these programs for their searches, many still aren’t finding the people they want. Up to half of all employers say they can’t find qualified workers. University of Pennsylvania professor Peter Cappelli says the software actually plays a part in this.
  Peter Caapelli: There may be people who haven’t done exactly this job but have done similar jobs, and it’s a sort of a judgment call as to whether the combination of those jobs are enough. So the software can’t make those judgment calls, so all those people are 9)tossed out.
  Lochner: I disagree with that.
  Bradford: Kenexa’s Kevin Lochner.
  Lochner: That’s not because of the technology 10)per se. That’s because candidates have to take the time to understand that each opportunity, each company is a different scenario for them. They have got to approach it differently. They’ve got to 11)customize or tailor their approach for every opportunity they really want to go after.
  Bradford: It turns out this is a great tip to improve how you’re ranked. The software searches for different keywords or phrases in your resume: things like years of experience in a field; specific skills; salary requirements; a nearby zip code. If you want a good rating, you have to customize your resume so it has the right words. Of course, that’s just step one in the process. Once you get past the machine, you still have to deal with a real, live person in the next step in the hiring process.
  洛克纳:这个过程更简化、更精简了。所有这些简历进入一个数据库里,不必担心会进入发件箱或被意外删除。   布莱德福德:一旦进入数据库,简历就会按照职位匹配度进行过滤、分等级或排名,这样招聘人员只需要花时间看看(筛选出来的)最佳人选即可。但是当越来越多的公司求助于这些程序来完成他们的招聘,很多公司却仍然找不到合格的人选。超过一半的雇主表示他们找不到能胜任工作的员工。宾夕法尼亚大学教授彼得·卡佩里说,软件事实上只在其中起到部分作用。
  [1] Kenexa 肯耐珂萨公司,创建于1987年,总部位于美国,2005年成为纳斯达克上市公司,是业界唯一一家能将技术、服务、科学及信息化产品完美地结合在一起的人力资源外包供应商。

  You’ve probably heard the advice from a friend, a career counselor, or maybe you read it online: “Make sure your resume has strong keywords.” In a world where resumes are often scanned by computers hunting for certain words phrases, the right keyword has the potential to land your resume at the top a recruiter’s pile. But how, exactly, is one to know just which keywords to use? Read on for some tips.
  1. Use the job posting to your advantage.
  The advertisement for the position you’re interested in is an excellent place to find keywords, says Jay Block, an executive career coach in West Palm Beach, Fla., and co-author of “2500 Keywords To Get You Hired”. If the ad says candidates need to have a bachelor’s degree,“bachelor’s degree” had better show up somewhere in your resume.
  Mr. Block also recommends that job hunters look at ads for similar jobs at other companies. He says that each industry has its own jargon, and becoming familiar with a wide range of ads will help you see which keywords are showing up in ads over and over again.
  2. Some keywords are golden.
  Although many keywords are industry specific, Mr. Block says, certain phrases are important to almost all companies. They include “communication skills,” “problem-solving,”“team work,” “leadership,” and “resource optimization.”
  3. Use words that demonstrate your value.
  The problem with many resumes is that they read like biographies, says Mr. Block. Companies don’t really care about your life story, they want to know if hiring you will be valuable to them, he says. That’s where keywords come in.
  Mr. Block recommends that job hunters present key phrases like “driving gross” or “increased efficiency” in a prominent way, so that they stand out when the resume gets past the computer and is viewed by human eyes. He says a prospective employer wants to be able to determine within 10 seconds what value you bring to the table.   4. Action verbs still matter.
  The keywords that will get you noticed by a computer search are usually nouns, but the verbs you use are still important, says Jim Lanzalotto, vice president of strategy and marketing at Yoh Services LLC, a professional staffing firm in Philadelphia.
  “You need to communicate the things that you do in a positive, active way,” he says. Using strong phrases like “led a team” or “built a team” instead of “worked with a team”can make a subtle but important distinction to a recruiter.
  5. Don’t go overboard.
  As important as keywords are for getting noticed, littering your resume with buzzwords that don’t accurately reflect your work experience may work against you, says Mr. Lanzalotto.
  “To o o f t e n , w h a t happens, candidates will muck up a resume by just putting keywords in it, whether they have the skill sets or not,” he says. This trick might get you noticed initially by a computer scanning a resume database, but an experienced recruiter will see through it.
  6. Go with a text file.
  The keywords you use in your resume won’t help if the resume you submit can’t be read by scanning software.
  HTML is easier to read, but the truth is recruiters who use database software request resumes in text form, because databases do better with text than they do with HTML.

  在计算机搜索时,使用名词关键词通常能使你受到关注,但是动词依然很重要,吉姆·兰扎洛托说,他是Yoh Services公司的策略营销副总裁,这是位于费城的一家专业人力资源公司。
  若你的简历无法被筛选软件识读,那么你所使用的关键词将无济于事。   网页格式的简历较易被识读,但事实上,使用数据库软件的招聘者更喜欢用文本格式,因为比起网页,文本格式更易被数据库处理。
  Eileen Stewart: It sounds like resume scanning should be turned into electronic job applications. If the company wants answers to specific questions, that is the job application format: fill in the blank. Computer filtering of resumes makes all too common the problem of good applicants being disregarded because the computer didn’t get the right information. At a minimum, a company should reply with information about how the information in the resume was applied to each category. That way the applicant has a chance to correct misinformation.
  Over decades, while wages have been stagnant, job seekers have had to study how to “sell themselves”, prepare answers for all kinds of (possibly irrelevant) questions so they can succeed in an interview, customize their resumes for every job opening and now they have to try to talk to a computer program without knowing how it works. It’s an arms race. Ever get the feeling companies don’t actually WANT to hire anyone? What makes them think that the person who knows how to get hired is actually going to be good at the job?
  Daniel Schultz: I am tired of hearing employers crying that they cannot fill their jobs when they treat applicants in such a shoddy manner.
  It is not worthwhile to spend time customizing a resume or cover letter for a particular job posting when that resume or letter will never be read by human eyes.
  It is impossible to gain consideration or an interview for a job that is merely similar to a job that you did before, or could learn to do with a little bit of study. Employers will not spend a dime on training of new employees and expect their job applicants to come to them with EXACTLY the required skills that they have identified for that job. If you are lacking even one little skill from their requirements list you are filtered out of the running by their software, which neither understands nor cares.
  Human Resources people with humanities degrees are not qualified to understand the words used in an engineer’s resume, which is the reason why they use software to scan for keywords. They have become the lazy, ignorant gatekeepers who stand between you and the job of your dreams. Humanities majors argue that engineers need to learn “human values”when in fact it is they who are lacking human values.

  Sean Harrison: Another classic example of the tail wagging the dog. Here a programmer or coder (Eric) creates a program that reads resumes with no regard for how resumes have been written since the beginning of time and they are written with the intention of a person reading them. Kenexa jumps ahead 20 years and does not allow for a provision for the current formatting of resumes which many people have spent time and money creating. And who would create a program that did not allow for PDFs? What other type of file would you use, Word? I have seen way more file corruption with files like Word than PDF.
2012年美国总统大选首场电视辩论由美国公共电视台(PBS)的吉姆·莱勒主持。该辩论主题集中在就业、财赤、医改、政府角色等方面。而不景气的美国经济和美国人最关心的就业问题成为辩论的中心议题。那么我们来听听两位总统候选人唇枪舌剑、针锋相对的激辩吧。    Jim Lehrer (Host): Good evening from the Magnes Arena at the University o
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For college and high-school students,it may be the time to Start your Summerjob plans.While there are always plentyof jobs available in malls or fast-f00drestaurants,they are not known as beingthe mos