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[目的]分析预弯棒在预防胸腰椎骨折前路手术后脊柱出现侧方成角的效果.[方法]回顾性分析2010年9月~2015年6月本院胸腰椎骨折前路手术患者共218例,其中影像学资料完整的208例.评估每一位患者的影像资料,测量椎体螺钉与终板的夹角,208例中男139例,女69例,年龄16~ 68岁,平均(38.1±14.9)岁.损伤类型:车祸31例,重物砸伤23例,高处坠落伤154例.骨折椎体节段:T112例,T1218例,L1137例,L241例,L39例,L41例;骨折椎体AO分型:A型194例,B型14例;脊髓损伤Frankel分级:A级53例,B级11例,C级35例,D级39例,E级70例.内固定材料:Antares(美敦力公司)197例和Z-Plate(美敦力公司)11例.208例中有20例术中通过预弯连接棒预防可能形成的侧方成角,20例中男14例,女6例,年龄28~53岁,平均(35.3±20.1)岁.损伤类型:车祸6例,重物砸伤1例,高处坠落13例.骨折椎体节段:T110例,T121例,L115例,L23例,L31例;骨折椎体AO分型:A型20例;脊髓损伤Frankel分级:A级5例,B级1例,C级3例,D级4例,E级7例.内固定材料:全部应用Antares脊柱前路内固定系统(美敦力公司).[结果]全部病例中有9例术后出现超过5°以上的侧方成角,没有10°以上的侧方成角.术前侧方成角平均1.31°±4.09°,术后侧方成角平均2.19°±3.78°,术前与术后冠状面Cobb角比较差异无统计学意义.20例应用预弯棒的患者术中均出现椎体螺钉与相应的终板较大的成角,但术后均没有出现超过5°以上的侧方成角.术前侧方成角平均2.11°±4.26°,术后侧方成角平均2.31°±3.58°,术前与术后冠状面Cobb角比较差异无统计学意义.[结论]预弯棒可以有效地预防胸腰椎骨折前路手术术后脊柱侧方成角的发生.“,”[Objective] To investigate the effectiveness of preflexed rod in preventing spinal lateral angulation after surgery for thoracolumbar fracture via anterior approach.[Methods] A retrospective analysis was performed in 218 patients with thoracolumbar fracture who underwent surgery via anterior approach in our hospital from September 2010 to June 2015.Of them,208 patients induding 139 males and 69 females had complete imaging data,with a mean age of 38.1±14.9 years (16-68 years).The angle between vertebral screw and end plate was measured for every patient.The causes of fracture were falling accident in 154 patients,traffic accident in 31 patients,and heavy pound injury in 23 patients.The fracture was at T11 in 2 cases,T12 in 18 cases,L1 in 137 cases,L2 in 41 cases,L3 in 9 cases,and L4 in 1 case.According to the AO classification system,194 patients had type A fracture and 14 patients had type B fracture.According to Frankel assessment for neurological status,53 cases were at grade A,11 cases at grade B,35 cases at grade C,39 cases at grade D,and 70 cases at grade E.Anterior fixation was performed with the Antares (Medtronic,Sofamor Danek) in 197 cases and the Z-Plate (Medtronic,Sofamor Danek) in 11 cases.Of the 208 patients,20 patients including 14 males and 6 females with a mean age of (35.3±20.1) years (28-53 years) were treated with the preflexed rod during operation to prevent lateral angulation.The causes of fracture were falling accident in 13 patients,traffic accidents in 6 patients,and heavy pound injury in 1 patient.The fracture was at T12 in 1 case,L1 in 15 cases,L2 in 3 cases,and L3 in 1 case.All the 20 cases had type A fracture according to the AO classification system.According to Frankel assessment for neurological status,5 cases were at grade A,1 case at grade B,3 cases at grade C,4 cases at grade D,and 7 cases at grade E.Anterior fixation was performed with the Antares (Medtronic,Sofamor Danek) in all the 20 cases.[Results] A total of 9 cases showed a lateral angulation of >5°.However,no lateral angulation of >10° was present.There was no significant difference in the coronal Cobb angle be tween preoperation and postoperation (1.31°±4.09° vs 2.19°±3.78°,P >0.05).All the 20 cases treated with the preflexed rod had a big angle between the screw and the relevant end plate during operation.However,no lateral angulation of >5° was present after operation.And there was no significant difference in the coronal Cobb angle between preoperation and postoperation (2.11°±4.26° vs 2.31°±3.58°,P >0.05).[Conclusions] Preflex rod can effectively prevent spinal lateral angulation after surgery for thoracolumbar fracture via anterior approach.
[摘要] 目的 对匹维溴铵组和硝苯吡啶治疗弥漫性食管痉挛效果的对比分析,对该病症优先使用药物进行建议。方法 将46例弥漫性食管痉挛患者随机分为观察组及对照组各23例。A组应用硝苯吡啶10mg舌下含服治疗,每日3次,B组给予匹维溴铵组治疗,两组患者均治疗30d,观察并比较各组治疗效果。结果 A组总有效率98.7%,B组总有效率97.2%。结论 在治疗弥漫性食管痉挛方面,匹维溴铵组与硝苯吡啶都有着不错
Objective:Underwater shock can produce extremely high accelerations, resulting in severe human injuries on shipboard, and human thoraco lumbar spines are prone
[摘要] 目的 观察硝苯地平控释片治疗稳定型心绞痛伴高血压的临床疗效,并探讨其机理。方法 以硝苯地平控释片治疗稳定型心绞痛伴高血压46例4周,并追踪随访进行疗效观察。结果 治疗4周后,患者血压下降明显,患者治疗前后血压比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。患者降压总有效率为97.8%。可迅速改善稳定型心绞痛伴高血压患者的心绞痛症状。显效15例,有效28例,无效3例。总有效率为93.5%。患者心绞
【摘 要】目的:观察马来酸曲美布汀与枳术宽中胶囊合用治疗功能性消化不良疗效。方法:将确诊为功能性消化不良(FD)患者80例根据入院顺序随机分为治疗组与对照组各40例,两组均应用马来酸曲美布汀治疗,治疗组在此基础上联合口服枳术宽中胶囊治疗,均四周为一疗程。结果:总有效率治疗组为95.0%,对照组为70.0%,治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组有统计学意义(p0.05)。结论:马来酸曲美布汀与枳术宽中胶囊合用