How to Study the Nights Before a Test在考试前几晚如何学习

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  ☆Eat Some Brain Food. 吃点健脑食品。
  Brain food is definitely not Cocoa Puffs. Get some eggs for dinner, drink some green tea, and follow it all with a few bites of dark chocolate. Boost your brain’s workability1 by giving it what it needs to function properly. Plus, by eating something before you begin studying, you’ll be less tempted2 to get hungry (and distracted) and quit studying early.
  ☆Organize Your Study Materials. 整理学习资料。
  Get all the materials that relate to the test you’re taking—notes, handouts, quizzes, books—and lay them neatly out on your desk, floor, or bed, so you can see what you have to work with and find whatever you need at any time.
  ☆Follow Your Study Guide. 照着学习指南去做。
  If your teacher gave you study guide, then start learning as much as possible on it. Refer to your notes, handouts, quizzes, book, etc. when you’re unfamiliar with an item on the guide.
  If you don’t have a study guide, then refer to your notes, handouts, quizzes, and book to look for things that may be on the test. Your class notes are invaluable3. And don’t forget to review quiz questions, and items handed to you in class.
  ☆Ask a Study Partner to Quiz You. 找个学习搭档来考考你自己。
  Go get your mom, best friend, brother, or anyone and have him or her quiz you on the material. Have them fire questions at you and answer quickly. Make a list of anything you get stuck on or can’t remember. Once you’ve been quizzed, take your list and study that material over until you’ve got it.
  ☆Have a Rest Every 45 Minutes. 每学习45分钟后休息一下。
  You’re going to study in 45-minute increments4 followed by 5-minute breaks. If you try to study indefinitely5 for hours and hours, your brain will overload6 and you’ll have to work to regain7 your focus on studying. It’s better to have smaller goals with mini-rewards (the breaks) so you can last as long as is necessary to learn the material.
  要在学习45分钟后休息5分钟。如果你无休止地学习数小时,你的大腦会超负荷,你就得重新努力集中注意力了。最好是有小目标和小奖励(休息),这样你的学习就能持续下去。   ☆Make a Quick Review Sheet. 制作快速复习表。
  Write down all your important dates, and quick facts on one sheet of paper, so you can refer to it before the big test.
  ☆Go to Sleep. 去睡觉。
  Nothing will make you do worse on a test than pulling an all-nighter. Trust me on this. You may be tempted to stay up all night and cram8 in as much as is possible, but by all means, get some good sleep the nights before. When it comes to testing time, you won’t be able to recall all the things you learned because your brain will be functioning in survival mode.
  ☆Peek at Your Review Sheet Anytime and Anywhere. 随时随地瞅瞅你的复习资料。
  When you’re going to your study, when you’re waiting for the teacher to start talking, on your way to lunch, etc, glance and review that sheet you put together of the most important information for the test.
  But, put the review sheet away before the test. You don’t want to risk getting a zero for cheating after all the time you put into studying!


  1. workability n. 可使用性;可加工性
  2. tempted adj. 有兴趣的
  3. invaluable adj. 无价的;非常贵重的
  4. increment n. 增量;增加
  5. indefinitely adv. 不确定地,无限期地
  6. overload vt. 超载,超过负荷
  7. regain vt. 恢复;重新获得
  8. cram vi.(为考试而)死记硬背
摘 要 历史烟云中,涌现了无数英雄豪杰,成功者,在时代的潮流中充当着弄潮儿的角色,纵横捭阖,彰显英雄本色;失败者,纵然葬身他乡,埋骨沙场,然我们终究为其气节所折服。是非成败转头空,他们都是顶天立地的英雄。  关键词 项羽 英雄 成功 失败 原因  “滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。”他,在百姓眼里身形魁梧,力能扛鼎;在对手眼里他英勇善战,以一抵百;在家乡父老眼里他是一位有赤子之心的人。是非成败转头成
Greeting and Welcome 问候与欢迎  1. Nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。  2. Glad / Pleased to see you again. 很高兴又见到你。  3. How are you? 您好!  4. How do you do? (初次见面)你好!  5. Long time no see. 好久不见。  6. How do you feel
【新目标英语九年级Unit 7 STEP BY STEP隨堂通参考答案】
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单词识记    1. bathing n. 游泳,洗澡; n. bath 洗澡;  v. 给……洗澡  2. suit n. 一套衣服,服装 ;v. 适合;adj. suitable 合适的,适宜的  3. water v. 浇灌,浇水;n. 水  4. chop v. 砍,劈,剁;n. chopper 大砍刀,小斧头  5. wood n. 木头,木材;n. woods 森林;adj. wood
何谓真正的成功?  在人生的旅途中,有一些人总是在追名逐利,并把这看作是促使他们获取成就的动机。但在我看来,真正的成功,并不取决于你的收入多少,或者你所处的社会阶层,而是来自于真正属于你自己的快乐和满足。  伽利略,是我崇敬的一位意大利科学家,同时也是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。正是他对于科学的兴趣才促使他在这一方面深有造诣。在他的一生中,他有许多伟大的发明,并且提出了许多新的让人类受益的物理和天文
第I卷 (選择题 共85分)  第一部分 听力部分(略)  第二部分 笔试部分  二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)  从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  ( )26. —let’s go swimming.  —______.  A. It’s a pleasure B. You’re welcome  C. Thanks a lot D. It’s a