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宪法对公民受教育权的保障带有根本性。教育法等部门法则是宪法关于公民受教育权保障性条款的具体实现形式。“齐玉苓案”昭示:当公民受教育权被侵害而穷尽了其他法律手段仍不能获得必要救济的情况下,宪法理应成为公民基本权利实现的可靠基石和最后屏障;“罗彩霞案”则表明:在诉讼事由明确和相关法律依据充足的前提下,法院首先应当适用部门法条款而不能动辄启用宪法条款作为裁判教育侵权纠纷案件的直接依据,以防止公民基本权利宪法保障手段的“泛法律化”。就现阶段频发的类似教育侵权纠纷而言,合理的司法救济渠道和诉讼解决机制不仅仅体现在宪法条款的司法适用效力应当由谁来解释以及应当如何去解释,更在于我国专门的教育纠纷诉讼解决机制尚付阙如,亟须在尊重中国现行司法体制的基础上借鉴域外有益经验有步骤地建立起来。 The constitutional guarantee of citizens’ right to education is fundamental. The law of education and other departments are the concrete realization form of the constitutional clause on the guarantee of citizens’ right to education. “Qi Yuling case ” made clear: When the citizens have been infringed the right to education and exhausted other legal means still can not get the necessary relief case, the constitution should become the credible cornerstone and final barrier to the realization of the basic rights of citizens; “Luo Caixia ”Shows that: in the litigation is clear and the premise of the relevant legal basis is sufficient, the court should first apply the departmental provisions and can not easily enable the constitutional provisions as a direct basis for referee education infringement disputes in order to prevent the basic rights of citizens Constitutional Safeguards “Pan-legalization.” In the case of similar educational infringement disputes at this stage, the reasonable judicial remedy channels and litigation settlement mechanisms are not only reflected in who should interpret the constitutional provisions and how they should be explained, but also because of the special educational disputes in our country The litigation settlement mechanism is still missing. It is urgently necessary to draw lessons from the useful experience abroad to establish step by step on the basis of respecting the current judicial system in China.
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