
来源 :吉林医学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dcqnj
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恶性淋巴瘤是原发于淋巴结和淋巴组织的恶性肿瘤,主要临床表现为早期淋巴结肿大,故常被误诊为慢性淋巴结炎或淋巴结核。我科曾遇到一例现报告如下: 患者高某某,女,39岁,住院号24614。因左颈部肿物疼痛伴发热一月入院,一月前患者发现左颈部有一肿物,如鸡卵大小,疼痛.自述发热,在家自服头孢氨苄(量不详),症状不缓解。故来我科就诊,门诊以“左颈部淋巴结炎”收入院治疗。 检查:发育正常。营养中等,肥胖体形,表情痛苦,体温36.5℃,血压13.5/11kpa。心肺正常,全身其它检查未见阳性体征。颌面外科检查,左下颌体部.左颌下区及左颈部上1/4隆起,范围11×7×5cm大小,皮肤发红发亮,皮温高,质硬,无波动,边界较清楚,不活动,触压痛阳性。开口度及开口型正常,口内查:(?)残冠,叩痛(一)。咬合关系良好,颌下腺及腮腺分泌正常,导管口无红肿。 Malignant lymphomas are malignant tumors that originate in lymph nodes and lymphoid tissues. The main clinical manifestations are early lymph node enlargement. It is often misdiagnosed as chronic lymphadenitis or lymphatic tuberculosis. Our department has encountered an example of the following report: The patients were high and certain, female, 39 years old, hospital number 24614. Due to left neck mass pain and fever with admission to hospital in January, one month before the patient found a tumor in the left neck, such as the size of the chicken egg, pain. Readme fever, at home at home to take cephalexin (an unknown amount), the symptoms do not ease. Therefore, we came to our department for treatment, and outpatients were treated with “left neck lymphadenitis”. Inspection: normal development. Medium-grade nutrition, obese body shape, painful expression, body temperature 36.5°C, blood pressure 13.5/11kpa. The heart and lungs were normal, and no positive signs were found on other body tests. Maxillofacial surgery, left mandibular body. Left chin submandibular area and the left neck 1/4 uplift, the size of 11 × 7 × 5cm size, the skin is red and shiny, skin temperature is high, hard, no fluctuations, borders Clear, inactive, and touch-sensitive. The opening degree and opening type were normal, and the mouth searched: (?) The remnant crown, and the pain (a). The occlusal relationship is good, the submandibular glands and parotid glands are secreted normally, and the ducts are not reddened.
陕西工程勘察研究院是1 987年建设部批准成立的综合类甲级勘察研究院,是陕西勘察设计协会常务理事单位。现具有建设部、国土资源部和陕西省厅级主管部门核发的综合类工程勘察
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本文尽可能对大体积混凝土裂缝的种类和产生的原因作较全面的分析、总结,以方便设计、施工找出控制裂缝的可行办法,达到防范于未然的作用。 This article makes a comprehen