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内地20多个省区因各自资源条件,现有经济发展水平的不同,应实际不同的开放策略。目前,内地对外开放的重点应主要放在沿江(长江)、沿边,沿线(沿欧亚大陆桥)区域。 1.沿江开放区域。长江流域内陆地带其自然条件、工农业经济基础都具有一定的优势,为沿江地带的开放提供了有利的条件,这一地带的开放主要是引进和利用外资,采用高新技术,发展进口替代和出口导向工业;以科技进步为先导,加强本地段与国际国内市场的联系,走外向型经济发展的道路。2.沿边开放区域,沿边地区主要是少数民族地区,其资源丰富,经济和文化的多样性十分突出,具有与周边国家民间经济贸易往来的基础。这一区域的开放主要是继续发展与周边国家的经济贸易往来,在经济发展和贸易结构上与周边国家开展多方位、多渠道、多形式的经济技术合作,发挥沿边区域的经济技术优势,形成贸易互补,从而获取国际分工和交换中的比较利益。3.沿线开放区域。这一区域主要以三条亚欧大陆桥为中心,包括东北 More than 20 provinces and autonomous regions in the Mainland should, due to their respective resource conditions and the existing level of economic development, should actually adopt different opening-up strategies. At present, the focus of the Mainland’s opening to the outside world should mainly be on the areas along the Yangtze River, along the border and along the Eurasian Continental Bridge. 1. Open area along the river. The inland areas of the Yangtze River Basin have their natural conditions and the industrial and agricultural economic fundamentals, which provide favorable conditions for the opening up of the areas along the Yangtze River. The opening up of this area mainly involves the introduction and utilization of foreign capital, the introduction of high and new technologies, the development of import substitution and Export-oriented industries; take scientific and technological progress as the guide, strengthen the local segment and the international and domestic market links, and take the road of export-oriented economic development. 2. Along the open areas along the border, the border areas are mainly ethnic minority areas with rich resources and prominent economic and cultural diversity, which provide the basis for the non-governmental economy and trade with neighboring countries. The opening up of this region is mainly to continue to develop economic and trade contacts with neighboring countries and to carry out multi-directional, multi-channel and multi-form economic and technological cooperation with neighboring countries in economic development and trade structure so as to bring into full play the economic and technological advantages in the border areas and form Trade complementarity, so as to obtain the comparative advantage of the international division of labor and exchange. 3. Open area along the line. The area is mainly centered on three Eurasian land bridges, including the northeast
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新中国成立60年来,由于教育事业的迅速发展,我国实现了由人口大国向人力资源大国的转变。目前,我国教育事业的改革与发展已站在 Since the founding of New China 60 years
日本川崎钢铁公司已经研制成功一种新的利用 CO_2气体保护的电弧焊方法。采用这种方法在现场焊接管桩时,效率可提高一倍,而且不需要熟练的焊工。这种焊接法所用的装置和焊条
1.基本原理 标准方法适用于锌合金中0.01~0.1%硅的测定。基本原理是把形成的硅钼杂多酸用抗坏血酸还原,用光电比色计测量钼兰溶液的吸光度。 2.仪器、试剂和溶液 光电比色计或