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乒乓球运动作为一项国人青睐的运动,虽然业余乒乓球选手与专业选手在动作上存在很大的差异,但业余乒乓球给乒乓球体育选项课教学改革带来一些重要的启示意义:因势利导教学与学生群体的组成相适应、因人而异教学与学生群体的特点相适应、因难成巧教学与学生群体的水平相适应。因势利导教学、因人而异教学、因难成巧教学,三者是辩证统一、相互促进的,坚持多措并举、基本功能训练第一的原则,方能发挥业余乒乓球对乒乓球体育选项课教学改革的作用。 Although table tennis is a popular sport among amateur people, amateur table tennis players have some significant implications for teaching reform of table tennis physical education selective courses because of the great differences in the movements between amateur table tennis players and professional players. Adapt to the composition of the student groups, teaching people from different characteristics and adapt to the characteristics of student groups, due to difficult to achieve clever teaching and student groups to adapt to the level. Making the best use of teaching, teaching from one person to another, teaching difficult due to difficulties, the three are dialectical unification and mutual promotion, adhere to the principle of taking measures to make every effort to implement the first, the basic functional training first, The role of teaching reform.
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