An Exploration of Lexical Features of English Cross—Cultural Love Emails

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  【Abstract】English cross-cultural love email is a by- product of online love.By using the methods of illustration and statistics in this thesis,I attempt to introduce English cross-cultural love emails and sum up certain distinctive lexical features.
  【Key words】English cross-cultural love emails; lexical features
  1.English cross-cultural love email
  English cross-cultural love emails are emails in which email writers from different countries reveal to the email readers as much imformation about themselves as they know – their thoughts,feelings,habits,likes,dislikes,personal history,daily activities,and plans for the future,and hopefully the honesty and openness can triger the feeling of love and build up a serious relationship,cross- cultural marriage in particular.
  2.Lexical features of English cross-cultural love emails
  The love email is not quite as people imagine,and it does not necessarily mean two people must have fallen in love and written a loving letter,but it is two strange people who have not met each other in person and are in the process of knowing each other by writing emails.The email writer often conveys his thoughts to whoever interests him and hopefully they will know each other better by emails.The English cross-cultural love email with its own features is markedly different from business email.Now let us unveil the lexical features in English cross-cultural love emails.
  2.1 Use of pronouns
  Personal and possecive pronouns of the first and second person:we,I,you,our,my and your outnumber the other pronouns in love emails.It is because we,I,you,our,my and your often create a friend-like intimate atmosphere.After studying the examples,it is not difficult to find that I is used most frequently in love emails,and almost 80% of sentences have I.Most of time the writers like to tell as much about themselves as possible to make themselves known better.One reason might be that it is extremely important to know someone completely before you are sure for a serious relationship.Therefore it is not hard to understand why the interrogative pronoun what is used most frequentlycompared to other interrogative pronouns.
  Emails with many pronouns of the first and second person are usually like friendly chats between a man and a woman.It will closely link the writers and the readers.An intimate relationship between the email writer and the reader is always the goal to achieve.The following are some examples:   (1) a.How was your day today? I hope the weather was better where you are,it rained here all day.
  Easily we learn that I and you,among all pronouns are used most often in (1a).
  2.2 Use of affectionate words
  “I love you.” “I miss you.” “You are great.” “You are really beautiful.” “I trust in you.” These are words a person would say when he or she is deeply in love with someone (Siew 2006).No doubt affectionate words have their great power,because they can help people to express adoration and longing for one another and to enjoy the intimacy as communication goes further.Here are some examples from the emails:
  (2) a.I wish you weren’t half way around the world from me.Your probably starting to get sick of hearing me say it,but I do miss you.
  2.3 Use of verbs
  In cross-cultural love emails,we usually come across some familiar verbs used magically.After analysing 300 love emails,I found that the following verbs are most popular when people try to express their hearts and feelings.They are:will (2491),know (1740),like (1508),love (1244),think (1181),hope (1129),want (858),get (731),understand (400),thank (324),believe (266),and wish (255).The number in brackets are the frequency of this verb used in 300 love emails.Where there is a will there is a way.This proverb can be perfectly applied to will which topped the list.In love emails,these simple verbs can win the readers by their personal,frank expression with friendliness.Such verbs play a great role in emails to build a strong bridge for blossom cross-cultural communication.They are important because they always send positive messages to people involved to carry on the communication and develop something further.
  The following is one example:
  (3) a.Remember I love you and you are always in my heart.
  [1]Siew,Henry.The power of affectionate words,2006, site/article.asp?id=2747.
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