【出 处】
【正】 我国少数民族主要聚居在陕、甘、青、宁、新、蒙、桂、黔、滇、藏十省、自治区。现就这些省区农村经济发展的几个问题作初步探讨。
【正】 一、中国人民大学函授学院把《农业技术经济学》定为主要的专业函授课程,采取以自学教材为主,重点讲授、辅导答疑为辅的教学方式。几届函授生反映:农业技术经济理论新
Rice Consumption Is Associated with Better Nutrient Intake and Diet Quality in Adults: National Heal
Objectives: The goal of this study was to determine the association of rice consumption with nutrient intake and diet quality in a recent nationally representat
An Updated Mini Review on Grapefruit: Interactions with Drugs, Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Facto
The paper examines the effects of grapefruit consumption in relation to drugs, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. The review includes the most updated stu
Chilote sheep are a native breed from Chiloé Archipelago in the southern Chile. They are descendants from sheep originally introduced by the Spaniards in t
Twenty four male pigs were assigned to two groups of 12 each during the last fattening phase: one group was reared outdoor (OUT group) and fed on natural pastur