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“好,同学们,现在我把考试卷发下来,报到名字的同学上来拿试 卷。” 老师说的每一个字都使我的神经不停地颤抖。 “100分是XX”。 “不是我,没关系,99分就是你。”我安慰自己。 “80分是XX”。 “没,没关系,79分就是你。”我努力让自己镇定下来。 我一遍又一遍地安慰自己:下一个就是你,你是90分,被老师夹 错地方了。 “Okay, classmates, now I curl up the exam and get the student who got the name.” Every word the teacher said made my nerves tremble. “100 points is XX.” “It’s not me. It’s fine. 99 points is you.” I consoled myself. “80 points is XX.” “No, it doesn’t matter, 79 is you.” I tried to calm myself down. I comforted myself over and over again: the next one is you, you are 90 points, and the teacher is in the wrong place.
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有人喜欢唱歌,有人喜欢吃喝,有人喜欢唠嗑,而我偏偏喜欢仿效人 家名人大哥。当然,我也吃了不少苦头。 牛顿在苹果树下睡觉,一个苹果掉到了他的头上,结果使他悟出了 “万有引
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