完达山,《山海经》中称之为大阿山,意为:太阳升起的地方。而今天的黑龙江省完达山乳业股份有限公司,就是从祖国最早见到太阳的地方孕育而生。 也许是巧合,一群从完达山脚下、兴凯湖畔走来的开拓者在十年的努力下,创造出一个21世纪的“朝阳企业”。 如今,完达山乳业股份有限公司是黑龙江省乳品行业当之无愧的龙头老大,产品产量、销售收入和利税总额平均每年以4000吨、1亿元、2000万元的速度递增,成为全国知名的专业乳品制造商。
Wandashan, “Shan Hai Jing” called the Great Mountain, meaning: where the sun rises. Today, Wandashan Dairy Co., Ltd. in Heilongjiang Province is born from the earliest place where the sun was seen in the motherland. It may be a coincidence that a group of pioneers who came from Xingkai Lake at the foot of Wandashan Mountain created a “sunrise enterprise” in the 21st century under the efforts of a decade. Today, Wandashan Dairy Co., Ltd. is a well-deserved leader in the dairy industry in Heilongjiang Province. The output, sales revenue and total profits and taxes increase annually by 4,000 tons, 100 million yuan and 20 million yuan, making it a well-known professional dairy product manufacturer.