
来源 :词学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bokui0913
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词的典型特征是长短句。最短的为少见的一、二字句,最长的有八字、九字、十字句。这些句子长短差别很大,但仍是一句,其节奏变化主要通过单字的平仄与音步的组合变化来实现。而本文所要探讨的韵句则往往是一个句组,也可以说是一个节奏群。除了少数令词句句押韵,韵句亦同于单句外,韵句往往由多个单句组成,于是就有了种种组配方式。从单句的类型来说,有长与短、骈与散,以及音节的奇偶等不同的组配方式,从句组结构来说,有领句、对句、叠句等不同的结构形式;从句组的逻辑关系来说,有假设、转折、递进、悬想等连结方式。所有这些,既构成了节奏与旋律的丰富性,也构成了种种微妙的辞趣与意味。 The typical characteristic of words is long and short sentences. The shortest rare one or two words, the longest character, nine words, ten words. The length of these sentences varies greatly, but it is still one sentence, and its rhythmic changes are mainly achieved through the combination of the flattening and the sounding steps of a single word. The rhyme to be discussed in this paper is often a sentence group, it can be said to be a rhythm group. Except for a few rhyming sentences, rhyming sentences are also the same as single sentences. Rhymes are often composed of multiple simple sentences, so there are various ways of grouping. From the type of single sentence, there are different combinations of long and short, 骈 and scattered, and odd and even syllables. From the structure of sentence group, there are different structural forms such as leading sentence, opposite sentence and overlapping sentence; Logical relations, there are hypotheses, turning point, progressive, hanging think of other means of connection. All of these constitute not only the rhythm and melody richness, but also constitute a variety of subtle rhetoric and meaning.
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