研究中国经济管理思想史的方法,最根本的就是辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义,这是不言而喻的。问题在于如何具体化,具有什么特点。我认为应当注意以下几点: 第一,既要反对民族虚无主义,也要反对国粹主义。这是研究中国经济管理思想史首先要注意的问题,也是我们在研究中要防止的两种偏向,在过去这两种偏向都曾发生过。例如有人认为,中国经济管理思想史的内容贫乏,杂乱无章,都是一些封建主义的东西,没有什么可以借鉴的地方,只有西方资产阶级经济管理思想才是最科学的,可以全盘照搬。这种观点显然是错误的。也有人认为,中国经济管理思想史的内容好得不得了,完全可以拿到现在来用,而西方的东西统统要不得,必须坚决抵制。当然,这种观点也不对。正确的态度和方法应当是:必须承认中国经济管理思想史的内容非
It is self-evident that the most fundamental method for studying the history of China's economic management thinking is dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The question is how to be specific, what are the characteristics. I think we should pay attention to the following points. First, we must oppose national nihilism and oppose nationalism. This is the first issue we must pay attention to in studying the history of China's economic management thinking. It is also the two kinds of biases we want to prevent in our study. Both biases have occurred in the past. For example, some people think that the content of the history of China's economic management thoughts is poor, disorganized, and some are feudal things. There is no place to learn from it. Only the thinking of Western bourgeois economic management is the most scientific and can be completely copied. This view is obviously wrong. Some people also think that the content of the history of China's economic management thoughts is extremely good, it can be used now and that the West can not but deny it. We must resolutely resist it. Of course, this view is not right. The correct attitude and method should be: The content of the history of China's economic management thinking must be acknowledged