
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BIGSKYKING
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目的:对2005~2013年兰州市安宁区妇幼保健机构人力资源现状进行调查,掌握兰州市县(区)级妇幼保健机构人力资源现状,为中西部地区县(区)级妇幼保健机构人才队伍建设提供依据。方法:将2005~2013年兰州市安宁区妇幼保健站人力资源情况进行对比。结果:该机构人员编制缺乏,在职职工以卫生专业技术人员为主,无高级职称人员。医护构成比例不合理,学历以专科及以下为主。结论:兰州市县(区)级妇幼保健机构人员编制不足,专业素质较低,医护比例不达标,严重影响了县(区)级妇幼保健机构的自身发展,制约了基本公共卫生职能作用的发挥,急需引进高学历、高素质的卫生技术人员来缓解妇幼保健机构人力资源的紧张局面。 Objective: To investigate the status quo of human resources in MCH institutions in Anning district from 2005 to 2013, to grasp the current situation of human resources in maternal and child health institutions in Lanzhou county (district) and to provide guidance to the construction of talent teams for MCH institutions in central and western regions Provide evidence. Methods: The human resources of Anning District Maternity and Child Care Station in Lanzhou City from 2005 to 2013 were compared. Results: The lack of staffing agencies, working staff to health professional and technical personnel, no senior staff. The proportion of health care constitutes unreasonable, academic and specialist below. Conclusions: Insufficient staffing, low professional quality and low proportion of health care in Lanzhou county (district) MCHC seriously affect the development of maternal and child health institutions at the county (district) level and restrict the function of basic public health function There is an urgent need to introduce highly educated and highly qualified health technicians to ease the tension in human resources in MCH institutions.
In order to investigate the physiological effects of airport noise exposure on organisms,in this study,we exposed Sprague-Dawley rats in soundproof chambers to
最近,美国高级能量技术公司(Boulder.Co)为“滚动减速器”申请了专利。由于该装置实现了在工作表面的纯滚动。因此,它是现代传动技术的新发展。(图1) 滚动减速器的基本组成
我院于1990年1月~1992年2月应用强力宁注射液(浙江海宁制药厂)治疗小儿喘息性肺炎75例,收到较好效果,现报告如下。 一、临床资料 1.一般资料 均为住院病人,随机分为两组各75
继去年武汉发生奔驰车出现故障,被消费者当众砸毁事件后,重庆又出现一起奔驰车故障问题,由于汽车经销商对车主提出退车的要求予以拒绝,双方协商不成而对薄公堂。 Following