
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bhf0520
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初夏时节的隰县,绿树掩映,槐花飘香。笔者有幸走访了曾受国防部表彰的、在华北人武系统战功赫赫的隰县民兵农建营。隰县民兵农建营组建于1984年,是一个以基干民兵为主体,成建制用兵,有常设营部,有党的组织,担负国防建设和生产建设双重任务的民兵组织。二十年的风雨历程没有将农建营每一名官兵的国防情结洗刷掉,他们在临汾军分区与隰县人武部的帮助指导下和该营营长、临汾市“十大杰出青年”马世晓的带领下,在人民武装创新发展和引领乡亲致富奔小康的道路上越走越坚实。 Juxian County early summer season, trees set off, Sophora japonica fragrance. I was fortunate enough to have visited the Juxian militia construction camp, once commended by the Ministry of National Defense, for the meritorious deeds of people in northern China. Liao County militia farm camp was established in 1984, is a base militia as the main body into a system of military forces, a permanent battalion, a party organization, bear the dual tasks of national defense construction and production and construction of militias. Twenty years of ups and downs did not brush off the defense battles of every soldier in the agricultural construction camp. Under the guidance of the help of Linfen Military Area and Lixian Armed Forces and People’s Armed Police Department and under the guidance of the battalion commander, Linfen City, "Top Ten Outstanding Young Men Under the leadership of Ma Shixiao, the people’s armed forces have been developing more and more along the road of innovation and development of the armed forces and leading the folks to become well-to-do people.
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