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上帝是宇宙万物的创造者与实际管理者。至于上帝如何创造,近来神学界大多倾向于创造是一个漫长的过程,而不是以24小时为一天的六天。关于上帝如何管理宇宙万物,这是一个神学界探讨得比较少的问题。历史上神学界关于上帝的存在有著名的四大论证,即本体论论证、宇宙论论证、目的论论证和道德论论证。这些论证基本上都是从上帝的创造和管理出发来认识上帝本身,从中我们可以嗅到西方神学界的创造观和管理观的气息。但这些气息是在希腊、罗马、日耳曼等文化染缸中浸染过的,已经不再是原汁原味的圣经启 God is the creator and de facto manager of all things in the universe. As for how God was created, most of the recent theological community has tended to create is a long process, not six days in a 24-hour day. This is a question that the theology has rarely explored as to how God manages the universe. Historically, there are four famous theses on the existence of God in theological circles, namely the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument and the moral argument. These arguments are basically based on the creation and management of God to understand God itself, from which we can smell the breath of creation and management of the Western theological community. But these breaths were dipped in cultural vats such as Greece, Rome, Germanic, etc., no longer the original bible
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