Utilization of Different Variables for the Visualization of Fluid Flows: Application to Instantaneou

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lotus35000
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The results of different numerical algorithms for the computation of unsteady fluid flows are used to visualize different variables of the flow. In particular, the instantaneous vorticity, velocity and pressure fields, along with streamline plots, are presented as a function of time inside a visualization window of the computational domain. The different forms of visualization are used to analyze the flow inside a two-dimensional channel incorporating an obstacle, which can represent several interesting flows such as the flow over electronic components, heat transfer devices and buildings. The results of different numerical algorithms for the computation of unsteady fluid flows are used to visualize different variables of the flow. In particular, the instantaneous vorticity, velocity and pressure fields, along with streamline plots, are presented as a function of time inside a visualization The different forms of visualization are used to analyze the flow inside a two-dimensional channel incorporating an obstacle, which can represent several interesting flows such as the flow over electronic components, heat transfer devices and buildings.
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