All Are Busy(等三首)

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  All Are Busy
  Are you busy, Peter?
  -Yes, I’m reading a newspaper.
  Are the girls playing chess?
  -No, they’re making a dress.
  Is Tom playing with a yo-yo?
  -Oh, no. He’s cleaning the window.
  Square, square,
  Here’s a square.
  Its four sides are the same.
  Turn it round, it doesn’t care.
  Circle, circle,
  Here’s a circle.
  It goes round and round.
  No end can be found.
  We Are Going Camping
  We are going camping, Alice!
  Would you please come with us?
  When the stars twinkle in the sky,
  We’ll cook on the open fire.
  We’ll tell stories, sing and dance,
  We’ll sleep in the big tents.
  Wow, what a great time! Alice,
  Would you like to join us?
【新闻回眸】  2005年10月17日4时32分,神舟六号返回舱在内蒙古四子王旗的中部草原成功着陆。航天员费俊龙、聂海胜在历经115个小时32分钟飞行后回到祖国的怀抱,神舟六号多人多天载人飞行圆满结束。  人们不禁要问,在这几天里航天员的衣食住行如何。下面我们就一起来探讨这些问题。    【直击现场】  吃饭——闭嘴咀嚼,防止掉渣  太空的微重力环境,使航天员进食的方式与地面有很大不同。航天食品通
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