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由齐齐哈尔铁路医院研制成功的中草药微电脑计价机已问世。使微电脑的应用第一次闯入了我国传统中草药计价领域。目前,中草药计价使用的计算工具是算盘或计算器。一般计算一张有15味中草药的处方,要先做15次乘法,再做14次加法,且中草药的单价要求精确到小数点后四位(以元为单位),这些数字毫无规律,很难记忆:另外,中草药价又经常调整。这样,中草药计价中普遍存在着计算速度慢,差错多的现象。随着中医事业的发展,这个问题便突出出来。而该院研制的用微电脑控制的中草药计价机,成功地克服了中草药计价中存在的计算速度慢,劳动强度大,差错多的问题。该机有以下特点: The Chinese herbal medicine microcomputer calculator developed by the Qiqihar Railway Hospital has been launched. For the first time, the use of microcomputers has broken into the traditional Chinese herbal medicine valuation field. At present, the calculation tool used for Chinese herbal medicine pricing is an abacus or calculator. To calculate a prescription for 15 Chinese herbs, 15 multiplications and 14 additions should be done first, and the unit price of Chinese herbal medicine must be accurate to four decimal places (in yuan). These figures are not regular and it is difficult Memory: In addition, the price of Chinese herbal medicine is often adjusted. In this way, the phenomenon of slow calculation speed and many errors is common in Chinese herbal medicine pricing. With the development of traditional Chinese medicine, this problem has been highlighted. The microcomputer-controlled Chinese herbal medicine pricing machine developed by the hospital successfully overcomes the problems of slow calculation speed, high labor intensity, and many errors in Chinese herbal medicine pricing. The machine has the following features:
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This paper reports the experimental results oftwo batches of 24 male Wistar rats.In each batch,13 rats were controls and 11 were given Radixet Rhizoma Rhei dec
研究结果表明:1.600R 注 X 线照射后,小白鼠肝中谷胱甘肽(GSH)浓度下降50%(P