
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ncutwangx
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随着素质教育改革的逐渐深入,提倡教师引导学生自主学习的呼声也逐渐高涨起来。初中语文教学要在实际教学中将语文这门课程的综合性和人文特点展现出来,导学案作为一种新型的教学方式,强调的是以引导学生自主学习为主,强化教与学的沟通。为此,本文就导学案展开探究: With the gradual deepening of the reform of quality education, advocates of teachers to guide students to learn the voices are gradually rising. Junior high school Chinese teaching in the actual teaching will be the language of this course comprehensive and humanistic characteristics demonstrated, guide case as a new type of teaching, emphasizing the guide students to learn mainly to strengthen communication between teaching and learning . To this end, this article to explore the case study:
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一、问题的提出在体育教育中,强化条件下的学习和无强化条件下的学习,对学习者会导致什么影响呢?是积极的,还是消极的? 对此,本文进行了探讨,从实验研究中,得出这方面的真实
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