
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leux
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在全球经济一体化发展的趋势下,集装箱码头的发达程度已成为地区港口发展的重要标志,确立集装箱枢纽港的地位也就成为地区港口发展的首要目标。两岸三通对两岸三地港口有何影响?采取何种合作方式实现港口发展战略目标的协调?是摆在我们面前具有重大现实意义的课题。 一、两岸三地各自的竞争优势 集装箱港口行业内部的竞争在于枢纽港之间的竞争。集装箱港口行业内部的协作在于枢纽港与支线港之间的协作。两岸三地港口之间的竞争,归根到底只有在枢纽港之间。两岸三通后,两岸三地有较大相关的枢纽港主要有香港、高雄港、上海港 Under the trend of global economic integration, the developed level of container terminals has become an important symbol of the development of regional ports. Establishing the status of a container hub port has become the primary goal of port development in the region. What is the impact of the three direct links across the Taiwan Strait on the ports across the Taiwan Strait and the three countries? What kind of cooperation should we adopt to achieve the coordination of the strategic objectives for port development? It is a topic of great practical significance before us. I. The Competitive Advantages of Each of the Three Kinds of Cross-Strait Areas The competition within the container port industry lies in the competition among the hub ports. Collaboration within the container port industry lies in the collaboration between the hub and feeder ports. The competition between the ports of the three places of the two sides of the strait is ultimately only between the hub ports. After the links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, there are Hong Kong, Kaohsiung and Shanghai ports
一、企业债券发行的特点 企业债券,是企业为筹集资金而发行的债务凭证。企业发行债券可以用不动产或动产作抵押,也可以由第三人担保,或单凭企业自身的资信度。企业债券可以
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