坚持“四个突出” 树立督查权威

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在新形势下,如何树立督查工作的权威?从近年来我市督查工作的实践看,应坚持“四个突出”。 突出督查工作的领导行为,是树立督查权威的首要条件。突出督查工作的领导行为,一方面需要领导克服“重布置、轻落实”的思想,率先垂范,把督查工作作为抓落实的重要手段,贯穿在领导活动的全过程。近年来,我市各县市区委常委会、联席会都非常重视听取督查工作汇报,几大班子主要领导经常“挂帅出征”,深入基层坐阵督查。实践 Under the new situation, how to establish the authority of supervision work? Judging from the practice of the supervision work in our city in recent years, we should adhere to the “four outstanding.” Highlight the leading behavior of supervision work is the primary condition for establishing the authority of supervision. In order to highlight the leadership behavior in supervision work, we must take the lead in overcoming the concept of “rearranging and implementing lightly” on the one hand, and set an example by example. We should take supervision as an important means of implementation and carry it through the whole process of leadership activities. In recent years, the city standing committee and the joint committees of all districts and cities in our city have attached great importance to listening to the work of supervision and inspection. The main leaders of several major groups often “set foot on the marshal” and go deep into the grassroots to supervise the inspection. practice
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